Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Venus Figures Free Essays
DC Venus Figures Venus figures have been found In different spots of the world, at various timeframes. This infers all societies shared a typical conviction or a typical idea of ladies and their bodies. The Venus figures are most prominently known to speak to fruitfulness. We will compose a custom article test on Venus Figures or then again any comparative theme just for you Request Now These puppets were commonly produced using delicate stone (gauge, calcite or limestone), bone, Ivory, wood, or earthenware dirts. The healthy of every Venus puppet from each timespan shows how a typical idea be shared over a landmass or extensive stretches of time. There are basically a huge number of Venus totality. Ordinarily, they were produced using delicate stone, bone, ivory, wood or artistic muds. Venus dolls were worked with huge bosoms, stomachs, and legs. They didn't have a face, and little arms settled upon the bosoms. On their heads, a woven-like example is seen, potentially meaning their hair was twisted or they were wearing a cap. They are in some cases depicted as â€Å"lozenge-shaped†The Venus puppets are thought to represent various things. The most mainstream thought the dolls are thought to speak to in fruitfulness. Connecting to that, It is thought to indicated the phases of a woman’s life: pubescence, pregnancy, labor, and the heftiness of later life. Different speculations are that they were strict images, sex images for men, or even self-pictures of ladies taken from a contorted point of view. Socially, ladies were not prevailing for quite a long time. Ladies have as a rule been seen as an image of sex, â€Å"trophies†, or house-guardians one might say. The Venus figures are ostensibly sex images. They delineate women’s’ richness. With this, it is inferable that they were turned upward to, however mediocre. Ladies were feasible â€Å"things†that had no control over a man and his manliness. When taking a gander at the Venus figures, we can investigate them to accept that men needed ladies and needed a significant number of them, since they considered them to be Just figures. Venus figures were made by individuals across Eurasia. They were made In the ancient time frame and are most usually accepted to be an image of richness. They were produced using bone, ivory, delicate stone, wood, or clay kills. They ordinarily homelike a woman’s richness and her lifetime. Instructions to refer to Venus Figures, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Japanese Quince
Japanese Quince†is a story that depict around a piece of Mr†¦ Nelson's life. It begins with Mr†¦ Nilsson being drawn outside where he ends up remaining before a Japanese quince tree. Before he can feel the exceptional of the tree, he finds that his neighbor is additionally outside and in the long run Mr†¦ Nilsson strolls back inside to proceed with his exhausting day. The basic occasion lead the story into a more profound authoritative level.John Goalmouths, the creator, utilizes imagery inside his short story to make a more profound importance inside: whenever allowed a chance to completely change them, a few people are delayed to be deliberately. In any case, subliminal variables may impact their practices in manners that can affect their lives from numerous points of view which they didn't foresee. All through this story, John Goalmouths utilizes some imagery. The story starts with Mr†¦ Nilsson perusing his paper when he feels a sharp torment close to hi s fifth rib, Just over his heart. He takes full breaths to attempt to diminish the agony, however it just aggravates it. He attempts to make sense of the reason for the pain.Deep In thought, Mr†¦ Nilsson gets occupied by a lovely â€Å"fragrance†from the quince tree In the close by park. He disregards his agony and appreciates the interruption of the tree. This illness represents the void that he feels, Mr†¦ Nilsson doesn't have the foggiest idea what It Is and attempts to make sense of it, yet at long last he never discovers it. The smell of nature, to be increasingly explicit, the Japanese Quince tree's smell, that speaks to life itself. This represents the piece that he is missing, seen when he doesn't feel the agony In his chest any longer. Mr†¦ Nilsson feels content with It and feels unique that he had the option to observer of such an excellent sight.John Goalmouths utilizes this scene to represent the revelation of a lost piece. The â€Å"Japanese Quin ce†Is a short story that John Goalmouths composed utilizing imagery to make a driven topic. The hero of the story finds that he Is introduced two ways at the one that hinders his direction Is himself; he should picked which way he will take. Toward the finish of the story, he concludes that It does not merit venturing over himself to transform him and he invert. Through this, John Goalmouths Is indicating that the shopping center character was delayed to transform him and his inner mind Influences him to would leave the chance.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The emergence of the internet marketing
The development of the web showcasing Another field of showcasing called Internet advertising has risen with the expanding number of individuals on the web. Organizations are discovering it progressively hard to keep up pace with the requests of various guests of their sites. With the developing traffic on the web, presently pretty much every organization is engaged with web advertising. Web promoting is considerably more than simply having a decent site. It incorporates each and everything that a business does to advance itself. The methods for directing business have now changed because of access to data from any side of the world in a moderate and simple way. Today web has supplanted TV, telephone frameworks and papers realizing an improvement in the way of life of the individuals over the globe. Offering 50,000 unique items in a virtual store is extremely basic and simple; anyway this can't exist in any physical departmental store. Web has carried alongside it constant access, full availability and a straightforward remarkable interface given by internet browsers. This whole development has made another condition for leading business forms, building up and keeping up business relations. This new wave in advertising has made a whole arrangement of patterns which organizations need to take a gander at and consolidate on the off chance that they need to support their business. New worth should be included at every single phase of the business cycle. Thoughts ready for associations to cull and make their own, therefore exhibiting that We are still here and in excess of anyone's imagination! There is a tremendous pool of chances out there which should be misused. Showcasing TRENDS TO WATCH! Value.Value.Value. The most able word today is esteem. Activities that produce an upgraded client relationship are made by the change of key data and information. Associations need to make sense of their worth. They have to fit themselves in every one of the circles indicated aside. The crossing point of these is its incentive. This should be set before individuals again and again. For e.g., the philanthropic association CARE, for a long time situated itself as attempting to kill neediness. Anyway numerous associations were going after this. It is a commercial center since the opposition is for getting benefactors. CARE at that point changed its concentration to situation of young ladies and ladies with the understanding that this class experiences more destitution and till date advertises this qualification so as to be heard. Online Reputation Management Associations need to spend a proportionate measure of exertion in dealing with the online brands as in keeping up the physical ones. The progression of messages is not, at this point controllable with the expanding number of client created content as websites and online discussions. It is in this manner basic to disguise off camera and impact, right just as add to th discussions. There are various modest aggregator apparatuses like Google cautions which help to get an every day digest by means of which the organizations can be a piece of the discussions. Video Marketing Numerous associations have significantly decreased publicizing financial plans because of the diverse cost conditions. In this situation video advertising is increasing expanding significance. For example a so called cosmetics expert, Lauren Luke, began selling beautifiers by putting recordings on YouTube. The recordings have more than fifty million perspectives and her channel has in excess of 250000 endorsers. Next is the intuitive video innovation, through which guests can be taken to the related substance by tapping on components in the video. Worth Added Content By pushing content onto clients organizations are currently discovering approaches to improve the client experience. So as to push flow Amazon has on the off chance that you like improvement to its inventories. Clients constantly attempt to locate that concealed viewpoint which makes him cheerful and visit again for buys. Interfacing with Mobile Marketing There are currently more than 2.4 billion cell phone supporters on the planet. Versatile promoting is presently turning into an approach to pull in clients by building a one stop search for email, photographs and other advanced administrations. It is in this manner essential for sites to effortlessly have the option to explore in versatile program. Fundamentally explicit applications should be created to upgrade the nearness on client gadgets by giving notification by means of telephone. The Art of Being Real In an ongoing survey by AdweekMedia 78 percent respondents said that a VIP in a notice doesn't influence them in any capacity. This implies now a days people are on a search for genuine proof. It is a trust economy wherein individuals who talk from the heart are accepted. For example Birds battle which includes genuine ladies utilizing the magnificence items was an advancement achievement. An ascent of 700 percent in deals of Dove was accounted for in America. A Deeper Shade of Green Associations are decided on their practices in the worldwide network. It is currently fundamental to talk green and to convey on the green. The statistical surveying organization, Aberdeen Group, revealed that client faithfulness is driven up by 36 percent with unassuming green activities. It might ascend to as high as 69 percent at times. So as to deliver this point to young people, Worthington Libraries, chose a green topic for its mid year perusing club on the web. Demise of Email My Info Quest is a book informing administration which a consortium of universal libraries has created which gives live reference administrations to open. The appropriate responses are given to the clients from an overall system of experts. Along these lines the clients are filled in as and when they expect because of the connection among on the web and portable usefulness. Micromarketing In light of the distinctions in the client bunches advertising has now gotten about solely sectioned. Internet promoting necessities to concentrate even on this viewpoint. In an investigation of its clients a national vehicle wash organization found that the clients fall into six distinct gatherings. Some young ladies incline toward a vehicle wash dependent on cost though some other affluent male portions lean toward a vehicle wash week after week at some random significant expense. The organization has tracked email locations of every one of its clients, in this way offering the privilege limited time items to the correct group and spurs conduct. Estimation of Design A plan executes a brand through each touchpoint. Clients should be furnished with a natural and marked understanding. The utilization of subjects, formats, in vogue text styles, predictable hues builds up a brand inside the brains of clients who at that point perceive the brand effectively producing a review. Speed It is a quick moving world and individuals are in a consistent rush. The clients presently need it quick and simple. Online clients need their outcomes in a minutes time without looking out longer for the site. In this manner it is important that administration conveyance is smoothed out and clients are given what they ask in a flash. Passionate Connection Showcasing today is tied in with making an enthusiastic association that builds up an importance to clients. Associations need to solidify the passionate and individual association. HOW DO YOU PLAN TO MAKE MONEY? Picking A BUSINESS MODELà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. In least difficult terms, a plan of action is an arrangement that an association uses to produce salary. It is a mix of numerous elements like the potential market or specialty and how does the association intend to arrive at it, the offer and different components which are fundamental to support business over the long haul. The organization may have many advertising decisions available to its however it needs to keep the capacities and expenses related in view of each promoting exertion. PPC (Pay Per Click) Business Model Utilizing the PPC model associations can publicize the item or administration in the web search tools (Google, Yahoo! also, MSN) themselves. Associations offer on watchwords identified with their business and pay for promoting just when a client taps on the advertisement and visits the site. The advertisement is activated when a client types in a pursuit question which coordinates the catchphrases that were awaited on. The advertiser who offers the most elevated gets his promotion showed some place on the list items gave by the motor. Along these lines the organization has full oversight over when and where the advertisements are shown. Contingent on the time the advertisements can even be turned on or off. The geographic areas wherein the promotions will be run can likewise be chosen by the advertiser. According to the contenders the advertisement position is dictated by: most extreme expense per click (CPC) increased by active clicking factor. It is just when someone really taps on the advertisement that the web index gets paid. Thusly the top position should be earned by composing promotions that entice searchers to tap on it and investigate the site. PPC is a solid match for advertisers on the off chance that they :  · Like to work with enormous measures of watchword data.  · will contribute the time expected to do every day research and updates to accounts.  · Have more cash than time and are happy to go through cash to bring in cash.  · Like working with measurements.  · Like dissecting (and reanalyzing) results.  · Know how to compose little arranged advertisements.  · Have a publicizing spending plan of at any rate $100 every month, per crusade. Website design enhancement (Search Engine Optimization) Business Model Associations get their site recorded and positioned in characteristic query items for search terms that are identified with the business or certain catchphrases. For instance, when somebody look through a term-schools or cafés , on Google, the Web locales that spring up first are controlled by SEO. The web indexes fixed calculations decide these outcomes and rankings. In such a sort of a common habitat the proprietors don't have a lot of control with regards to when and where the site will be shown as in the PPC model. There is along these lines no expense related with this model. The main asset required is time. The destinations that position among the top for the most part have solid inbound connections and great substance. This sums for a ton of free traffic. A couple of things to remember while developing the site:
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Applying to PA School with a Low GPA Admissions Directors Answer Your Questions
How to Get Into PA School With a Low GPA PA school administrators from nine top-ranking PA programs answer your questions on how to get into PA school with a low GPA. A low GPA is probably the hardest area to improve. This makes sense it was years in the making, and cant be undone without time. It can take about a year in advanced level science courses to bump a high 2.x GPA over 3.0. The lower your GPA, and the more classes youve taken, the longer it will take to reflect improvements in your academic record. What is your CASPA calculated GPA? Before you do anything it is important that you have this number in hand. You can view your CASPA GPAs once your application has been Verified. You can read about that here on the CASPA website. When I applied to PA school I had a cumulative GPA of 2.9, a result, probably like many of you reading this, of some early misdirection. I got my act together in the second half of my undergraduate career, finishing on the Deans list with a 3.8 GPA. But my overall GPA did not fully recover and was lower than the 3.0 minimum of the school where I was accepted. Indeed this is not the norm, but you should not let a lower than average GPA stop you from finding a path to PA school if this is truly your passion. Fortunately, you are not alone. Every year PA programs from across the country come together to answer questions posed by aspiring Pre-PA students like yourself. Not surprisingly, questions regarding PA school admissions and low (or lower than average) GPA topped the list. Below are the answers to these questions. Admissions Directors Tell All: Your PA School GPA Questions Answered This post is part one of a two-part series focused on steps you can take to mediate a lower than desired GPA and the first in a multi-part series of posts exploring questions asked by PA school applicants and answers provided by the PA program admissions directors from seven PA programs. Prefer to listen instead? Subscribe on iTunes PRE-PA Questions are in bold With answers following each question and a reference to the corresponding PA school admissions director who provided the answer. Q: If I were to retake classes and get better grades but not yet reach a 3.0, would the upward trend in my grades be considered? CASPA does not offer grade replacement, so any new grades will average into your GPA. We would look at the improved performance in the courses positively, but it might still be hard to overcome a GPA lower than a 3.0. In this case, you would need significant shadowing, volunteering, leadership, and clinical experience to offset the GPA that much. A.T. Still University Q: I am right at the minimum GPA and healthcare experience I was wondering if it would be more beneficial to do a year master program to increase my GPA or to focus more on HCE? I think it depends on how much one year would help your GPA. And how low the GPA is. Generally, I would say health care. Duke University Q: If I got a C in an upper-level Organic Chem course would that lessen my chances at getting in? One C is not going to be a concern, although a very recent C is not ideal. If all other grades are As that will help. If you have a lot of Cs that is a concern. A.T. Still University Q: What is a competitive GPA? A competitive GPA is a 3.8. Averages for accepted students are GPA 3.8 and average GRE is 312. Butler University Q: How can one make other parts of their application look competitive if their science GPA is on the lower end? More HCE hours? High GRE score? Its not quantity, its qualitywe value a MEANINGFUL HCE experience and we definitely look at the GREs. Beyond that, we are strongly community-oriented so love to see community involvement. We also give a fair amount of weight to the personal narrative and even more to the letters of reference. Know your recommenders! Make sure they know you well! Case Western Reserve To boost your GPA means breaking out more than just the books Angela Duckworth, a Psychology Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, has found through her research that: Smarter students actually had less grit than their peers who scored lower on an intelligence test. This finding suggests that among the study participants all students at an Ivy League school people who are not as bright as their peers compensate by working harder and with more determination. And their effort pays off: The grittiest students not the smartest ones had the highest GPAs. Q: I am a recent graduate holding a biological science degree, I am currently volunteering at a lab and working at a dermatology office as a medical assistant. I am working on my extra-curricular activities and building on my resume. Unfortunately, I did not do so well in undergrad. My GPA is very low, so my question to you is, is GPA considered as highly valuable? I plan to go above and beyond with my recommendations, HCE, volunteering and personal statement. If I do very well in all of those, will that still give me a chance? We do a holistic application review process. This means we consider GPA, clinical/shadowing experience, leadership, service, and commitment. You do want to be close to the average for the GPA, but you can offset a slightly lower GPA with other strong experiences. However, if you have a 2.75 GPA, that is not going to be competitive. Again, we also look for an upward trend in grades. A.T. Still University Q: I graduated a long time ago. I didn't always do so well in my undergraduate GPA, but it's impossible for me to repeat all the prerequisitecourses again. How is the GPA requirement for admissions calculated? I have taken classes since undergrad and have done stellar. We look for an upward trend in grades. We understand that some students have a hard transition to college, or they do not find focus until later. All of your grades will be averaged together, however, we still look for an upward trend. You do want to be somewhat close to the average GPA though. For example, if your total GPA is a 2.8, that is going to be hard to overcome. If it is a 3.0 or higher, with significant other experiences, we can work with that to an extent. A.T. Still University Q: If I took the GRE, can it offset a lower GPA? Or does AT still not factor the GRE at all? The minimum GPA is a 2.75, however, that is not a competitive GPA (there has to be a line somewhere). A.T. Still University Q: My first couple years of college I did very poorly and was eventually dismissed. I did attend another college and ended up graduating with honors(woot-woot!), however, the way CASPA calculates cumulative GPA; despite graduating with a high GPA CASPA reflects it much lower. How much would that affect your review of my application? You get an averaged GPA on CASPA. This is where the upward trend comes into play. The dismissal will be a serious concern but talk about your recovery (which should be reflected in the grades). A.T. Still University Q: Do you consider each GPA individually, the overall GPA, or is the undergrad GPA weighted more heavily in your decision? We use to total cumulative and science GPA provided by CASPA. We also look for grade trends, academic rigor, and other aspects such as shadowing, leadership, clinical, volunteer, and employment A.T. Still University Q: I have a low GPA and plan to retake a few science courses that will boost up my prereqs/science GPA. I was hoping to do this online that way I can work/take classes. Would I still be considered seeing that I am not retaking the lab? Also if I don't meet the overall GPA requirement but do meet the science/prereq GPA will my application still be looked at? If your cumulative and science GPA is not a 2.75 or higher your application will not be considered. You can take online courses as long as they are regionally accredited US institutions. A.T. Still University Q: My undergrad GPA suffered due to extenuating circumstances that will be discussed in my personal statement. Since graduating, I have worked to improve my overall science GPA. This was why I previously asked if you considered each GPA individually, the overall GPA, or if undergrad GPA weighted more heavily in your decision. When speaking with other programs my undergraduate science GPA is the main GPA discussed. In other words, it appears that my post-baccalaureate and new overall science GPA isnt considered as heavily as my undergrad GPA. Additionally, during interviews this cycle, it was suggested to take master's level science courses instead of continuing to take undergraduate courses. Therefore, I am aiming to improve my chances and overall competitiveness as an applicant by enrolling in master's level science courses. Thank you for your advice in this decision as to which program is best for me! We consider all of the classes, undergraduate coursework is not weighted more heavily than post-baccalaureate. We like to see an upward trend of grades which it sounds like you have so you would be in better shape than if you had questionable grades throughout both UG and post-baccalaureate/grad. A.T. Still University Q: Does post-baccalaureate GPA get weighted if it's significantly higher than undergrad GPAs? Not specifically. But we do look at trending, so a stronger post-baccalaureate can make up for a weaker undergrad Duke University Q: I graduated a long time ago. I didn't always do so well in my undergraduate GPA, but it's impossible for me to repeat all the prerequisite courses again. How is the GPA requirement for admissions calculated? I have taken classes since undergrad and have done stellar CASPA calculates the entire GPA as a whole. And the entire natural science GPA as a whole. But we do look at trending. Duke University Q: If your GPA is not strong but your work experience is, is that taken into consideration? We look at the entire application and consider everything, but I will say that GPA is a big part of it and if given the opportunity to improve I would suggest taking some extra science classes to improve it. But yes, work experience is highly valued as well. A.T. Still University Q: You said that there is no minimum GPA, but how important is GPA when considering applicants? We look at the application as a whole. GPA is important, but we do look at trending such as if you did poorly at first and then improved. Duke University Q: If my GPA is not the highest, but I volunteer consistently, go on medical volunteer trips, and have leadership positions in on-campus organizations, as well as over 1,000 hands-on patient care hours, could that be enough to still make me a competitive applicant to your program? Your GPA is only one indicator all the stuff you mention is great. Try to do well on the GRE to offset your GPA. Duke University Q: If I am a candidate, who does not have a competitive GPA what other things can I do? I am involved in research with my chemistry professor, I tutor biology, and I have 2500 clinical hours. You should continue with your clinical hours massively important. You should try to take some additional upper-level science courses to show you can do the work now (earn grade of B or better to prove competence), strive for an excellent GRE score, get recommendations from people who can speak well of your patient care, and write amazing, heartfelt essays Duke University Q: If I took a non-pre requisite class my freshman year and got a D the first time, the second time a B, I know CASPA calculates both and averages the two. How do you guys view/value someone's application with a D and not so good grades in the beginning of Undergrad? We look at the overall cumulative GPA. We will look at these grades just like CASPA will. Butler University Q: I have a 3.7 science GPA, but Caspa calculation overall GPA 3.2. GRE 320 would I be a competitive applicant? Your overall CASPA GPA must be 3.4 to be considered. Butler University Q: I graduated school with a Biochemistry degree in 2012, but I have not pursued anything related to medicine or science since then other than becoming an EMT-B. Also, my grades were considerably less than stellar for some of the prerequisite classes. However, I have been recently thinking of applying for PA school again. If I decided to enroll in the local community colleges to raise my GPA and reapply, is there a decent chance that I may be accepted? You can definitely take courses at a community college or any other regionally accredited institution. You will need to make sure you have at least a 3.4 cumulative GPA for your application to be considered. Butler University Q: I am curious about how strict the GPA requirement is? I know the website says 3.0 and I have read above that 3.4 is required to be considered? Will an application be reviewed if GPA is 3.37 but other aspects are very strong? You must have a 3.4 GPA for your application to be considered. A competitive GPA is 3.8. Butler University Q: I have the minimum GPA for admissions but I want to be more competitive. Do you recommend that I take a one year masters program to increase my GPA or possibly focusing on more HCE? If your GPA is on the lower end and you were less than successful in some of the prereqs which lowered your GPA, a post-bac program can help to improve your GPA and show the admissions committee that you can be successful in a rigorous program. Yale University Q: How can one make other parts of their application look competitive if their science GPA is on the lower end? More HCE hours? High GRE score? We look holistically at applicants. As long as you have the minimum science GPA I would not worry. If you have significant weaknesses in your prereqs, retaking them and improving is a way to show the committee that you know the material. Yale University Q: I have my bachelor's in Biology from Penn State Berks and all the prerequisites for the PA program. However, My GPA was under 3.0. Is it worth applying, or do you suggest a way increase my GPA in order to apply? I am an OIF combat medic Veteran. Iencourage you working towards improving your GPA before applying as our minimum requirement for full consideration is a 3.0 overall science and 3.0 overall cumulative. Penn State Q: If I received poor university grades in 2008-2011, and then gained work experience as a CNA and now have been back at University since 2014 earning a 3.7 average GPA am I still an eligible candidate if my overall GPA is about a 2.9? We do require a 3.0 cumulative science and cumulative overall GPA for full consideration. You can still apply but I cant make any guarantees that your file would receive full consideration not having satisfied the minimum requirement. Penn State Q: I am a unique candidate with a low undergrad GPA unique degree with significant HCE. I was hoping to get a better understanding of how holistic your application process is. My undergraduate GPA was affected by immaturity, my father having two heart surgeries and missing school. I have been the lead exercise physiologist at Boston Medical Center for 4 years now, with over 4000 HCE hours. I am a medical volunteer at the Boston Athletic Association for the 10k, half, and full marathons for the last 5 years as a medical sweep. I've been a dedicated volunteer at the Salvation Army since November 2016 and I have committed myself through the end of this year before I begin school wherever I get in. I really want to fess up to my poor GPA due to immaturity coupled with significant familial health problems, I show how hard I've worked to overcome those flaws in my academics. Recently while working 60 hours a week in 2-3 healthcare roles (1 full-time, 2 part-time) Ive averaged Bs in many co urses at BU MET college.My greatest fear is that I submit CASPA and I'm not considered because of my low GPA which was reflective of circumstance w/ immaturity 10 years ago. I want to show you I'm not a high-risk candidate, but high reward. My current HCE, Leadership, volunteering, and GRE, and strong recommendations are reflective of this. We are quite holistic but the minimum GPA requirement is a 3.0 as this is required of our students within our program to make academic progress. The only GPAs that we technically review our a candidates cumulative science (this includes the whole thing undergrad courses, graduate courses, postbac courses) so while the upward trend is a positive note and will benefit you in our review, the GPAs are calculated through CASPA and we look at cumulative overall data. Penn State Q: You mentioned you look at all admissions criteria holistically say early on in my college career I had no direction and my grades suffered because of that, but for the last several years my grades have been all As do you take that into consideration when looking at my application or just look at my overall GPA? We require a 3.0 for overall GPA and 3.0 for science course GPA. The full transcript is reviewed in-depth, but if these listed requirements are satisfied, then this criterion is satisfied. Keeping in mind that the program is highly competitive, and there are limited seats. Marist College Q: If there is a chance of not meeting the 3.0 GPA, what do you recommend doing to make up for that? The 3.0 is required but if you do fall just short, you are welcome to continue moving forward with the process. Marist College Q: I will be graduating from undergrad in May with a GPA of a 3.3. I am considering retaking a class over the summer. Would you recommend retaking a prerequisite course, like Biology which I got a B in or OCHEm which I got a C in, or an upper-level course in Physiology which I got a B in but is very important for PA level classes? I would retake any classes you got a C in. Even if I got a C in Ochem I and improved it to a B in Ochem II? Yes. Any Cs I would retake. Marist College Q: I come from a system where GPA was never used, hence a low GPA, but I have a lot of clinical experience as an International Medical Graduate, what are my chances? As long as you fit the prereqs, we will review your application, and everyone is considered on a case by case basis. Case Western Reserve Q: Does the admissions committee look at applicants from a holistic perspective or is GPA weighted as the most important factor? We certainly look at applications holistically but as with most programs GPA plays a substantial role. Case Western Reserve Q: Will my application still be considered with a low GPA? This is the only thing I am lacking on my resume. I plan to excel in my HCE, volunteering, personal statement, and recommendations. Not knowing what your personal record looks like, I can say that as long as you meet the prerequisites, we will review your application. We do like to review applicants background. Please still apply. Case Western Reserve Q: If I obtained a 1-year masters degree while working, would that change how my GPA is evaluated during the program as opposed to someone who just went to school? If that Masters includes pre-requisite courses it will be added to the composite GPA.Remember, we also look at ascending transcripts i.e. improving GPAs over the course of study. A lot of people have rough freshman experience but then improve steadily from there and we value that. Case Western Reserve Q: I would like to start by explaining my background: I have thousands of hours of phlebotomy experience, I have been a phlebotomist for four years. I have completed over 200 hours of shadowing under an internal medicine PA. My science GPA is a 3.5, however, I have a cumulative GPA of about a 2.8; due to my grades while completing my associate's degree being factored in. During this time I was not very dedicated to academics. Would my GPA derail my acceptance? We do require a prereq GPA of 3.0 or higher OR in the last 40 hours of classwork. We very much respect the ascending transcript i.e. someone who had a rough start but then improved. Case Western Reserve Q: My undergraduate GPA through CASPA is a 2.8 cumulative and science. I am currently completing a Master's degree in Basic Medical Sciences where I have completed 20 credits so far with a cumulative and science GPA of a 3.6. Will this be looked at on my CASPA application or are admissions decisions based solely on the cumulative undergraduate GPA's? CASPA lets us know your GPA for your masters as well as undergrad and we look at both and would be delighted to take them both into account. Case Western Reserve Q: Through CASPA my undergraduate GPA is a 2.8 cumulative and science. I am currently working on my Master's in Basic Medical Sciences where I have completed 20 credit hours so far with a cumulative and science GPA of a 3.6. How will my last 40 credit hours be calculated? I want to ensure that my application will meet the 3.0 GPA requirement in order to be reviewed. We do require a minimal GPA of 3.00/4.00 due to the rigors of the program. However, we do look at the last 40 hours since we realize that some applicants may have struggled academically early on in their career. A cumulative and science grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 (4.0 scale) during the final 40 credit hours/final 2 years of completed coursework. This is based on taking a minimum of 9 credit hours of coursework per semester. Case Western Reserve Q: My overall GPA is not great, havent taken the GRE yet "currently studying", but I served in the Navy as a Corpsman with the Marines for 8 years, so I exceed all requirements for patient care, Letters of Recommendation are excellent, planning on scoring high on the GRE, but I was working 3 jobs while going to school full-time, probably not the best idea, but I got through it. But my fear is that I wont get the "sympathy" vote. What advice could you give a person who will have everything else but a low GPA 3.0? If you are able to demonstrate that you have an ascending transcript then you might be in better stead, other people who have been in the same boat have taken additional courses to demonstrate that they can do the work and that their GPA was due to working full-time, etc. Case Western Reserve Q: If you do not make the minimum grade requirement in a prereq course, is it still worth applying? Thanks for that question, if you dont make the required prerequisite grade, you might consider retaking the course. Case Western Reserve Admission Directors Summary and Recommendations Here are some of the key messages: 1. Upward trends are the rule downward trends will likely lead to a rejection: We look for an upward trend in grades. We understand that some students have a hard transition to college, or they do not find focus until later. All of your grades will be averaged together, however, we still look for an upward trend. You do want to be somewhat close to the average GPA though. For example, if your total GPA is a 2.8, that is going to be hard to overcome. If it is a 3.0 or higher, with significant other experiences, we can work with that to an extent.- A.T. Still UniversityPA program 2. One low grade is not going to be of much concern, but if you have a lot of them, Houston, you're going to have a problem: One C is not going to be a concern, although a very recent C is not ideal. If all other grades are As that will help. If you have a lot of Cs that is a concern.- A.T. Still University 3. In the face of a low GPA, the GRE may become your ally: GRE's tend to be lightly weighted but in the presence of a low GPA it can be of service: Candidates with a lower GPA can benefit by submitting competitive GRE scores. Certainly, high levels of work and volunteer experience can help as well. - Carroll UniversityPA program 4. Recommendation letters matter: It's not quantity, it's quality. We value a MEANINGFUL HCE experience and we definitely look at the GREs. Beyond that, we are strongly community-oriented so love to see community involvement. We also give a fair amount of weight to the personal narrative and even more to the letters of reference. Know your recommenders! Make sure they know you well! - Case Western Reserve PA program Read more:Secrets of Successful PA School Letters of Recommendation 5. Postgraduate work can be used to build up a low GPA: CASPA lets us know your GPA for your masters as well as undergrad and we look at both and would be delighted to take them both into account. - Case Western Reserve. 6. Postgraduate work is not weighted higher: Postgraduate work is not weighted higher. But we do look at trending, so a stronger post-baccalaureate can make up for a weaker undergrad - Duke University 7. If you fall short often you can still apply, but you better be pretty impressive: The 3.0 is required but if you do fall just short, you are welcome to continue moving forward with the process. - Marist College. We do require a 3.0 cumulative science and cumulative overall GPA for full consideration. You can still apply but I can't make any guarantees that your file would receive full consideration not having satisfied the minimum requirement. - Penn State PA program 8. Even if you have excellent work and volunteer experience this may not be enough to counter a low GPA. You may still need to retake some classes: We look at the entire application and consider everything, but I will say that GPA is a big part of it and if given the opportunity to improve I would suggest taking some extra science classes to improve it. But yes, work experience is highly valued as well.- A.T. Still University 9. You can retake a course but remember it's the average that matters: You can retake a course but CASPA will average the two grades to come up with a number: If you don't make the required prereq grade, you might consider retaking the course.- Case Western ReservePA program 10. The personal statement can be the deciding factor When I applied to PA school I received more than a few rejection letters. So I went back to the drawing table and rewrote my personal statement, this was the only thing I changed on my entire PA school application. That single difference got me an interview and with a GPA of 2.9, I stepped ahead of many other 4.0 applicants who were placed on the waitlist. I am not bragging, I am simply trying to point out the importance of not just your personal statement but the entirety of your application + an extremely well-written personal narrative. It can make all the difference in the world. If I can do it, you certainly can. You have some decisions to make Are your stats so low you should push off applying to PA school for a few more years while you work on improving your profile? Should you alter your list of schools? Apply to developing programs or apply to programs with lower average GPA stats? Should you retake some classes or apply to a postgraduate program to show the admissions committee you mean business? We will address the answers to these and many other questions in part two of this post series, so stay tuned! Warmly, Stephen Pasquini PA-C The PA Advisor Series The GRE and PA School: The Pre-PA Advisor Series Posted: March 10, 2019 The Pre-PA Advisor Series Welcome to the PA Advisors Series a special series of postswhere PA school applicants like yourself ask the tough questions and admissions directors from top-ranking PA schools provide the answers. Today We Will Discuss the GRE and Your PA School Application Here are some of the questions answered in this [] 16 comments The Pre-PA Advisor Series: Patient Contact Hours and Healthcare Experience Posted: April 2, 2018 The Pre-PA Advisor Series Welcome to the PA Advisors Series a special series of postswhere PA school applicants like yourself ask the tough questions and admissions directors from top-ranking PA schools provide the answers. Today We Will Discuss: Patient Contact Hours and Healthcare Experience Requirements for PA School Here are some of the questions [] 16 comments PA School Prerequisites: Admissions Directors Answer Your Burning Questions Posted: December 18, 2017 As you probably know by now, if you want to get into PA school you must complete the necessary prerequisite coursework. I have discussed this in detail in a previous postPrerequisite Coursework: How to Design the Perfect Pre-PA School Curriculum. Today, we are going a step further by giving you answers to some of the [] 16 comments Applying to PA School with a Low GPA: Admissions Directors Answer Your Questions Posted: August 22, 2017 How to Get Into PA School With a Low GPA PA school administrators from nine top-ranking PA programs answer your questions on how to get into PA school with a low GPA. A low GPA is probably the hardest area to improve. This makes sense it was years in the making, and cant be [] 16 comments document.createElement('audio'); (thepalife): Download (25.4MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Google Podcasts | RSSView all posts in this seriesApplying to PA School with a Low GPA: Admissions Directors Answer Your QuestionsPA School Prerequisites: Admissions Directors Answer Your Burning QuestionsThe Pre-PA Advisor Series: Patient Contact Hours and Healthcare ExperienceThe GRE and PA School: The Pre-PA Advisor Series You may also like -5 Things Ive Learned Going Into My Fourth Physician Assistant Application CycleI will be honest; this is not an article I ever thought Id be writing. I submitted my first physician assistant application after finishing my undergrad in 2014, and here I am three years later preparing to submit my fourth PA []80 PA Schools That Dont Require the GRE Are you like me and looking to dodge the GRE? Does the thought of studying for the GRE exam make your palms sweat and your heart flutter? Wouldn't it be great if you could find PA schools that don't require the GREand simplyavoid []The Perfect PA Program Picker: PA School Requirements and Admissions Tool 2018-2019 PA School Admissions and Requirements Table Search and sort through all 256 accredited and developing PA school programs by healthcare experience, resident and non-resident PA school tuition, PA program duration, GRE []
Saturday, May 16, 2020
How to Solve an undefined local variable Ruby Error
In Ruby, you dont have to declare variables, but you do have to assign something to them before they can be referred to. If youre referring to a local variable that doesnt yet exist, you may see one of two errors. Ruby NameError Messages NameError: undefined local variable or method a for # NameError: undefined local variable or method a for main:Object Note: There might be various identifiers in place of a above. This is an example where the code will generate the Ruby NameError message since the variable a hasnt yet been assigned to anything: puts a How to Fix the Error Variables must be assigned before they can be used. So, using the example from above, fixing the error is as simple as doing this: a 10 puts a Why Youre Getting This Error The obvious answer is that youre referring to a variable that hasnt yet been created. This is most often due to a typo but may happen when refactoring code and renaming variables. You might also see the NameError: undefined local variable Ruby error if you intended to enter a string. Strings are understood when they exist between quotes. If you didnt use quotes, Ruby will think you meant to reference a method or variable (that doesnt exist) and throw the error. So, look back over your code to see what this variable is supposed to be referring to, and fix it. You may also want to search for other instances of the same variable name in the same method - if its wrong in one place, it may be wrong in others.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Causal Attribution Theories Of Victim Blaming - 1204 Words
Causal Attribution Theories of Victim Blaming in Cases of Sexual Assault For most individuals, the thought of blaming the victim of a tragic experience for their own pain and suffering, seems preposterous. However, ascribing at least some of the blame to the victim is not uncommon (Niemi Young, 2014). Victim blaming refers to individuals finding reasons to hold the victim of an incident responsible for the crime that took place (Hayes, Lorenz Bell, 2013). For victims of sexual assault, who may already be experiencing self-blame and distrust of others, being blamed adds insult to injury (Harber, Podolski, Williams, 2015). According to Harber et. al, victim blaming can also have long-term effects on victims, such as, increased anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. In an effort to increase support and resources for survivors of sexual assault researchers must determine why individuals are prone to blaming the victims rather than the perpetrator of a crime. In order to answer this question of â€Å"why†we blame victims of sexual assault for their own suffering researchers use the attribution theory. This theory is used to explain how we make sense of our own and other people’s behavior. Internal attributions refer to the perception that someone is behaving in a certain way because of the â€Å"type†of person that individual is. We attribute the cause of behavior to a person’s personality or character rather than to the situation. In contrast, an externalShow MoreRelatedThe Models For Observational Learning1714 Words  | 7 Pagesdrug abuse is mainly the result of the modelling influences of her family and peers. The Social Cognitive Learning Theory argues that behaviour occurs not only as a result of the environment but because of an individual’s cognitive representation of that environment, known as the S-O-R model (stimulus-organism-response). Wortley (2011) states that The Social Cognitive Learning Theory extends on the traditional operant conditioning by proposing that there are a range of cognitive processes betweenRead MoreEthnic Reproduction and the Amniotic Deep: Joy Kogawas Obasan13316 Words  | 54 Pages(p. 431) The power of love (p. 431) Is romantic love unique to western culture? (p. 431) An evolutionary theory of love: love as attachment (p. 432) Stage theories of relationships (p. 433) The filter model (Kerckhoff Davis, 1962) (p. 433) An evaluation of the filter model (p. 433) Stimulus-value-role theory (Murstein, 1976, 1986, 1987) (p. 434) An evaluation of stage theories (p. 434) Interpersonal attraction: how relationships get started (p. 434) Proximity (p. 434) Exposure andRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 PagesBradley H. Dowden is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. That is, you are free to share, copy, distribute, store, and transmit all or any part of the work under the following conditions: (1) Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author, namely by citing his name, the book title, and the relevant page numbers (but not in any way that suggests that the book Logical Reasoning or its author endorse you or your useRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pages91 4 Emotions and Moods 97 What Are Emotions and Moods? 98 The Basic Emotions 100 †¢ The Basic Moods: Positive and Negative Affect 100 †¢ The Function of Emotions 102 †¢ Sources of Emotions and Moods 103 Emotional Labor 108 Affective Events Theory 110 Emotional Intelligence 112 The Case for EI 113 †¢ The Case Against EI 114 †¢ Emotion Regulation 115 OB Applications of Emotions and Moods 115 Selection 116 †¢ Decision Making 116 †¢ Creativity 116 †¢ Motivation 117 †¢ Leadership 117 †¢ Negotiation 117Read MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pages. Organization Theory Challenges and Perspectives John McAuley, Joanne Duberley and Phil Johnson . This book is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive and reliable guide to organisational theory currently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of workRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesâ€Å"do. †In an influential article, Henry Mintzberg (1975) argued that management education had almost nothing to say about what managers actually do from day to day. He further faulted management textbooks for introducing students to the leading theories about management while ignoring what is known about effective management practice. Sympathetic to Mintzberg’s critique, we set out to identify the defining competencies of effective managers. Although no two management positions are exactly the same
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Advocacy Protection of Human Rights
Question: Discuss about the AdvocacyforProtection of Human Rights. Answer: Introduction Over the past years, there has been a great concern by the New Zealand government in the effect of human rights on the policy making procedure. Moreover, the government has entered into extensive international agreements regarding the promotion and protection of human rights. These agreements are engaging New Zealand due to the International law. This comprises both the social, economic, political, cultural and civil rights. In particular the latter has numerous problems for social policy. After many years, there has been a rise in concerns from inside and outside the New Zealand government in the effect of public rights and freedom on the policy implementation procedure. However, there has been a major issue regarding which rights based strategy to social policy is needed in New Zealand. That issue is because of problems that limit any effort to enhance the extent and effects of New Zealands concerns with respects to Economic, Social and Cultural (ESC) rights (Smith Smith, 2016). T his paper is an analysis of the concepts of social justice and human rights in New Zealand. In general, ESC rights have not been subjected to similar extent degree of normal setting that has been required by the international laws of Child protection rights, and particularly the language in which they are set is usually uncertain (Osler, 2015). Moreover, the rules set by the International Covenant on cultural, social and economic rights are placed on relative instead of relative terms (Smith Smith, 2016). It necessitates the state to discover the rights in a progressive manner and to the extent of its available resources. Due to this facts, the exact level to which the states duties regarding the ESC rights is both controversial and contestable. This crisis is due to the lack of an organized tendency of the New Zealand judiciary to clearly elaborate the ESC rights both in the domestic and international scenario (Flood Gross, 2014). During the year 2003, the Human rights commission interviewed the publishers using the New Zealand Centre for human Law, to make a statement p aper on the concerns of applying a rights-based analysis to the making of social policy in New Zealand. This publication is an edited and exaggerated version of the paper. Its motive is to enhance discussions about the concerns for New Zealand social policy decision of developing a rights based strategy (De Souza, 2015). Social policy are the codes and systems by which the government uses to impact the improvement of community, especially in association to education, welfare and health. This description is somehow narrow as compared to the definition used by the ministry of Social Development in the Social improvement strategy (Bertot,2016), in which social policy is explained as the policy that has an effect on the social standards. However, the modification has a big impact for the evaluation that follows and that is required in this setting to try and find the answer to the main question of what, exactly is the definition of social policy. Recently, there has been numerous protests against the social development, social welfare, and social policy in New Zealand. The ministrys mechanism is detailed and finds a broad variety of approaches to wellness, appropriate objectives and desirable social results. Moreover, it incorporates reference to a guideline concerning the distribution of wellness that all persons enjoy some basic limited level of wellness (De Souza, 2015). What is not clear in the ministrys mechanisms is the use of dialect or the aspect of human rights. This is not to suggesting that a human rights aspect is entirely lacking form the New Zealand policy setting. After the development of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act in 1990, government officers have completely been made to control the effects of human rights obligations for policy development and this exposed in Cabinets decision-making procedures. However, there is still uncertainty in the government regarding what a rights based strategy to social policy can need and how it can be different from a strategy that centralizes on the wellness. Particularly, this uncertainty is a ttached to the principle concerns of ESC, which are not covered by the Bill of Rights Act of 1990 and, for the explanation already given, raise certain problems of presentation (Came McCreanor, 2015). On other hand, a rights based strategy to social policy is one that confirms that guidelines are implemented within the guidelines stipulated by the New Zealands human rights requirements, as stated in international and domestic law (Ife, 2012). It is significant to think about the meaning of human rights and particularly, how to concentrate on requirements, that is invited by the qualities of wellness. There is a big similarity between needs-based and right-based approaches in that both approaches are based on interventions on the needs expressed by poor individuals. However, the language of rights stretches emphasizes on certain parameters of the duties, obligations and interests that are important. For instance, Mary needs food if we consider that in the lack of food, Marys wellness will decrease in an approach that we refer as important. We are evaluating the limitations that Mary will face if denied food. Similarly, an analysis of Marys requirements may as well as underlie the s tatement Mary has a right to food. However, the concept of rights supports the concept of need in a number of aspects. Firstly, the dialect of rights is the dialect of demand of ownership. To suggest that Mary needs food reflects the moral or legal duties of others regarding Marys need. In comparison, the statement Mary has a right to food states that somebody has an obligation to ensure that Marys right is secured (Smith Smith, 2016). Human Rights Mechanism in New Zealand The human rights in New Zealand are secured in many ways within the entire common and statute law. For instance, to use commonplace, the concept of justified murder is one of the procedures in which the nation secures the right to life (Osler, 2015). In general, this guidelines of common or statute law can be modified through the standard procedure of principles enactment followed by parliamentary developments. The human rights mechanisms refers to those particular structures of human rights protection, retrieved from international and domestic law, that cover not only the daily activities of the policy procedure but also ensures that it is substantive and procedural (Ife, 2012). Key Important Structures of Human Rights Protection The guidelines administering Executives decision making procedures under the subtitle Executive Government ensures that Executive papers advocating policy and statutory proposals should incorporate consideration of various domestic rights-related tools that is Bill of Rights Act 1990, the Human Rights Acts 1993, the Privacy Act 1993, and the treaty of Waitangi. In addition, they need approval of New Zealands international requirements. The compulsory international human rights guidelines incorporated into by the new government in New Zealand are majorly located in two categories of international convections that is the United Nations (UN) and the international labour organisation convections (ILO). The mechanism of the UN human rights management is the accumulation of international tools usually known as the international Bill of Rights. This constitutes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the international covenant on Civil and Political Rights and two protocols of the ICCPR (Brisman South, 2016). Despite the Universal Declaration, these tools are compulsory treaties that have been cleared by the New Zealand Government. The Universal Declaration was retrieved from the resolutions of the UN General Assembly having no influence of law. On the contrary, its requirements have been so often revoked and used by government and non-governmental organisations that some individuals believe that most of the rights incorporated within it have gained the condition of common law (Zehr, 2015). In addition, the International Bill of Human Rights is complemented by more particular convections that protect the human rights of certain endangered categories or that explore in details the nations guidelines regarding a certain set of human rights. The most common is the Convention associated with the conditions of the refugees (refugee convention), the treaty on the elimination of all kinds of Racism (Race Convection, the treaty against Torture and other cruelty, inhuman or Degrading Treatment of Punishment (Torture Convection), the convection on the removal of all kinds of discrimination against women, and the convecti on on the rights of the child. Primarily, the ILO convections support labour rights. There are 185 such convections, where 50 have been implemented in New Zealand. Substantive Rights The human rights treaty regime is important as it has enhanced freedom and equality from discernment. Equality rights are entirely secured in the entire treaty regime. This convections ensure that rights are protected in the particular treaties without distinction of any form of sex, language, colour, and race (Bertot, 2016). Additionally, the significance of the right to equality is that it extends its rights to persons and groups that are endangered, disadvantaged or marginalized. Secondly, the child protection rights may in any situation affect social policy and particularly on the procedure where social help is implemented and distributed. One set of Child protection rights that has certain impact and significant for the procedure of social policy formulation is rights regarding involvement in the code of public affairs. Rights of involvements are found in several kinds in the international human rights treaties. This includes, the race convection, the womens convection and the c hildrens convection. To evaluate the extent and concerns of the guidelines undertaken by the New Zealand government to compulsory international convections, it is important to analyze the mechanisms themselves to non-commitment bases of interpretation and analysation. This includes; particular statements and other papers created by the UN human rights convection agencies (Bertot, 2016). To summarize, the most important appreciative aspect of the rights-based strategy to social policy involves the understanding of what exactly the New Zealand government has undertaken regarding the protection of human rights. As indicated before, there are several domestic human rights laws that are stipulated in the codes managing Cabinets decision-making procedures: the Bill of Rights Act 1990, the privacy Act 1993 and the Human Rights Act 1993. In relation to this, these statutes have a negative impact on government action and policy making processes. The reason is that during the final exploration, the New Zealand parliament remains with the power to enact where the standard human rights are breached. Moreover, the need to pass legislation in order to limit these securities, in conjunction with the systems for contemplation of human rights and associated problems that have been created in the routine constraints on policy making. The difficulties that occur in governance in an NM P setting act as a further limitation. Furthermore, there is nothing to force the New Zealand government to enhance change to international law, if there is absence of the statutory reference in the international human rights treaty guidelines. However, it is a critical guideline of the international law that the guidelines throughout the treaty bind the participants to the treaty, who are in accordance mandated to revise their common legal guidelines to enhance change to them. References Belgrave. M. (2014). Needs and the state. Evolving social policy in New Zealand history. In B. Dalley M. Tennant (Eds.), Past judgment: Social policy in New Zealand history (pp. 2328). Dunedin, NZ. Otago University Press Bertot, J. C., Jaeger, P. T., Gorham, U., Taylor, N. G. (Eds.). (2016). Perspectives on librariesas institutions of human rights and social justice. Emerald Group Publishing. Brisman, A., South, N. (2016). Environmental crime and social conflict: contemporary and emerging issues. Routledge. Came, H., McCreanor, T. (2015). Pathways to transform institutional (and everyday) racism in New Zealand. De Souza, R. (2015). Navigating the ethics in cultural safety. Cultural Safety in Aotearoa New Zealand, 111. Ife, J. (2012). Human rights and social work: Towards rights-based practice. Cambridge University Press. Smith, R., Smith, R. K. (2016). Textbook on international human rights. Oxford University Press. Osler, A. (2015). Human rights education, postcolonial scholarship, and action for social justice. Theory Research in Social Education, 43(2), 244-274. Zehr, H. (2015). The little book of restorative justice: Revised and updated. Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Regency Grand Hotel free essay sample
Introduction Case Study of Regency Grand Hotel This hotel is based in Bangkok and was established by local investors 15 years ago and was operated by Thai general manager since that time. It had 700 employees that time and use to provide good employee benefits, above market rate salaries and job security and bonuses regardless of the hotel performance during that year. This hotel was sold to an American large chain of hotel who wanted to expand its operation in Thailand. The general manger decided to take an early retirement since the acquisition was announced..The new owners kept all old employees and few were transferred to other positions. A new general manager John Becker an American with 10 years of management experience was appointed. Becker was a strong believer of empowerment, which increases performance, job satisfaction and employee motivation and this factors contribute to the hotel profitability and customer experience. The Grand hotel was always profitable since it opened 15 years ago. We will write a custom essay sample on Regency Grand Hotel or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Management instructions were always followed by the employees and earlier, innovation and creativity was discouraged.Often employees were punished for their mistakes as a result employees were afraid to take ownership or to try new ideas. Becker has introduced empowerment and has given clear instructions to the managers, he told the managers that employees must be empower with decision-making authority so that they could use their initiative and judgement to satisfy guests needs. However, only serious and complex issues need to be dealt by superiors and advised mangers not to discuss minor issues with him. In the past Regency use to operate under administrative control resulting in many bureaucratic procedures throughout the organization.Becker used to spend lot of time in interacting with employees which helped many employees to understand what he wanted and expected of them but the employees had difficulty to distinguish major and minor issues. More often supervisors use to reverse employee decisions by stating that it was major issue and need management approval and employees who use to take initiative rarely use to receive positive feedback from their superiors. Eventually, employees lost confidence in decision making and started relying on superiors.Becker realized that his subordinates were consulting him more often than before and majority of them were minor issues. This made him frustrated and very often he use to tell his secretary that â€Å" unless the hotel is on fire, don’t let anyone disturb me. †Contrary to his expectation, the business and overall perfor mance began to downfall. There were more guest complaints and one of the local newspaper and overseas newspaper had published negative feedback on the hotel. Even employees stress level was increased with the introduction of empowerment.Absenteeism and staff turnover rate reached an all time high and there was no unity and support amongst staff. Organizational Behaviour related work problems that have been identified in this case study are as follows: a) Leadership and Management style Ability to influence people and getting the desired work done is called leadership and managers are basically leaders who discharge their duties using their effective leadership styles depending upon the nature of organisation, mode of operation or kind of followers and employees being skilled or unskilled.As per the case study the management style is very important when it comes to run the operation smoothly and effectively. The earlier management for this hotel was following bureaucratic style of leadership(transactional d ef) also the management style stated by Mc gregor which broadly categorised managers in to two groups i. e group x and group y. Here, group x managers are basically bureaucrats who are not team players and believe in punishment and reward system while on other hand group y managers are approachable, they work as a team and are very supportive when it comes to employee motivation and boosting the morale. ) Work psychology and motivation Job satisfaction and dissatisfaction is a great concern for the managers as it is directly linked to the job performance. Job dissatisfaction de moralises the employee which can have serious consequences that includes employee unrest, absenteeism,tardiness,employee turn over and union activities. The hidden or the psychological contract between employees and the management keep employees motivated all the time during work. Any discrepancies in this will lead to dissatisfaction at both the ends as it may effect the job performance and also damaged overall growth of organisation.The Thai management operating in this hotel had kept many rewards system to motivate the employees wh ere monetary benefits were given the top priority as salaries were above market rate. Also, psychologically workers were secured . According to Maslow theory on hierarchy of needs the job security of employees is taken care at the same time the physiological needs are being supported by the management with good employee benefits. This motivates the employee and drives them to next level of motivation where they try to focus on work and perform better. ) Psychological contract and employee performance Psychological contract is an unwritten contract between the employees and the management which explains a series of mutual understanding and satisfaction of needs(Mullins L,2008). In this case study, psychologically employees were under fear of getting punished when they were under Thai management and this fear factor made them to work under disciplined way and strictly followed set of rules and guidelines lead by the management which made them to discharge their duties accurately with minimum errors.In returned the employees knew that working in a right way and performing will reward them with high salary and bene fits provided by the organisation but when the same hotel was manged by an American management this psychological contarct started deteriorating as this management style was different than the previous one and things started changing in terms of job performance, distribution of powers, handling guests and other issues.The new strategy adopted by the new management which believes in empowerment made supervisors feel inferior than their subordinates as employees started interacting with top management for any minor issues. The fear of getting punished for mistakes doesn’t exist among the employees in the organisation as they were empowered and were now capable of making decisions by themselves which disturbed the teamwork and started pointing fingers on each other for anyones mistakes and no one took the blame. Analysis of the problems and Solution ) Leadership and Management style: Every organization has its own set of SOP’s and protocol to be followed and it is very significant to understand the kind of work the organisation is indulged in. As lack of this knowledge will give unclear picture of the organisation and kind of management strategies to be used. As per Mc Gregors theory of leadership group x and group y managers, the hotel regent was operated by group x managers which were task oriented managers who thoroughly understand the organisation and the people working within.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Free Essays on In Our Time
show that women in this time where never in the â€Å"light†, always hidden from view and never listened to and always ignored. In â€Å"The Three-Day Blow†, Nick’s view of women is again corrupted by Bill, Nick’s childhood best friend. Bill says to Nick, â€Å"Once a man’s married he’s absolutely bitched,†and â€Å"You’ve seen the guys that get married†. Bill is trying to demonstrate to Nick that women would only hinder his lifestyle, something with which he would not like to be involved. Nick’s ideas of women are finally changed in â€Å"Cross-Country Snow†. He has impregnated a woman and is now taking responsibility and by marring her. He has become a mature young man and has to learn for him-self how to treat women instead of doing what he has been told. His decision no longer allows him to ski across Europe as he ... Free Essays on In Our Time Free Essays on In Our Time Change Of Nick In In Our Time In Ernest Hemingway’s 1925 short story collection In Our Time, the main character, Nick, changes from a naà ¯ve boy to an educated man. Through the stories, his view, on relationships, sanity, and death develop and intensify. His dynamic characteristics become apparent through his actions, dialogue, and inner monologue. Through the short stories, Nick’s perspective on relationships was changed by his family and friends. In the short story, â€Å"The Doctor and the Doctor’s Wife†, Nick is shown how to â€Å"treat†a woman by his father. Nick’s mother is just ignored and in a way is looked down upon in their household. When his mother says to Nick’s father, â€Å"If you see Nick, dear, will you tell him his mother wants to see him?†, he just â€Å"forgets†about telling Nick and allows his son to go hunting with him. Nick learns from this his experiences with his father that women aren’t important. Hemingway also uses clues to show that women don’t have a significant role by using a phrase such as â€Å"Then he heard his wife’s voice from the darkened room.†These words show that women in this time where never in the â€Å"light†, always hidden from view and never listened to and always ignored. In â€Å"The Three-Day Blow†, Nick’s view of women is again corrupted by Bill, Nick’s childhood best friend. Bill says to Nick, â€Å"Once a man’s married he’s absolutely bitched,†and â€Å"You’ve seen the guys that get married†. Bill is trying to demonstrate to Nick that women would only hinder his lifestyle, something with which he would not like to be involved. Nick’s ideas of women are finally changed in â€Å"Cross-Country Snow†. He has impregnated a woman and is now taking responsibility and by marring her. He has become a mature young man and has to learn for him-self how to treat women instead of doing what he has been told. His decision no longer allows him to ski across Europe as he ...
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Why did you choose seneca college to study Essay
Why did you choose seneca college to study - Essay Example Furthermore, what attracted me to the school initially, apart from the scholastic offerings that are therein available, was the fact that the college was seemingly perfectly position between the look and feel of a very large university and that of a more intimate setting. Both of these concepts appealed to me for differing reasons. Firstly, with respect to the look and feel of a large university, this provided the necessary stepping stone I require to acquaint myself with the full-scale university experience. Similarly, I am also attracted to the small university setting and/or feel due to the individualized attention and intimate settings that such an approach necessarily invokes. As a result of these factors and the needs that I have sought to fulfill within my own personal development as a student, I have selected Seneca College as it provides me with a means to satisfy each of the above determinants that I have listed as well as providing a superior education within the majors that are
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Retail Marketing Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Retail Marketing Master - Case Study Example It also is a multi-billion pound food retailer. Most of its shops sell both of these categories. Marks & Spencer also has a third product line related to home wares such as bed linen, but this is far smaller than the other two. For much of the 20th century M&S was regarded as the leading retailer in the United Kingdom, and an icon of British business. In 1997 it became the first British retailer to make a profit before tax of over 1 billion, though within a couple of years it plunged into a crisis from which it has not yet fully recovered. It is now less than one quarter of the size of the UK's largest and most profitable retailer, Tesco( Marks & Spencer unlike most of its rivals didn't instantly jump into the television advertising for its marketing and to draw customers. Marks & Spencer launched its first advertisement as late as in the mid 1990s. By selling British-made goods Marks & Spencer made their reputation. They entered into long term relationships with British manufacturers, and sold the goods under the "St Michael" brand (trademark registered in 1928), which was used for both clothes and food (Wall Street Journal,2006). Initially Marks & Spencer accepted the return of unwanted goods, with no time restriction, giving full cash refunds if the receipt was shown. Now it has changed that policy and has adopted a 90-day returns policy. This act made many loyal customers of Marks & Spencer to refrain from buying. The company's main prominence is of quality, but initially it also had a reputation for offering a good value for money. When this reputation began to waver, it encountered serious difficulties. It is a fact that M&S has historically been an iconic retailer of 'British Quality Goods.'( In 1988, Marks & Spencer acquired an American clothing company and a US food chain, naming Brooks Brothers and Kings Super Markets respectively. Marks & Spencer profits were maximized during 1997-98. But these profits were short term due to the rising cost of using British suppliers. Customer loyalty eroded quickly as rival retailers increasingly imported their goods from low-cost countries. In addition, it also lost its fame in the young generation who were reluctant to shop with it. These factors further plunged Marks & Spencer profits into a sudden slump, which took every one by surprise. The company's share price fell by more than two thirds, and its profits fell from more than a billion pounds in 1997 and 1998 to 145 million in the year ended 31 March 2001 (Fort Worth Star-Telegram). In 2001, with changes in their business focus such as the introduction of the "Per Una" clothing range designed by George Davies, accompanied by a redesign of their underlying business model, profits recovered somewhat and M&S recovered some of its market share but this these profits were also short lived(Karen Barth, 2001). Place: Marks & Spencer have adopted an indirect marketing channel i.e. it maintains distribution channel as follows Producer Retailer Consumer Marks & Spencer usually have its own retail stores Promotion: Advertisement:
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Evolution of Medical Practice Essay Example for Free
Evolution of Medical Practice Essay 1) Great Cases in Bioethics, compiled edited by Paul A. Lombardo (2005) [available at the law school copy center] 2) Limits: The Role of Law in Bioethical Decisionmaking, by Roger B. Dworkin (Indiana, 1996) Strangers at the Bedside: A History of How Law and Bioethics Transformed the Practice of Medicine, by David J. Rothman (Harper-Collins, 1991). [These are available for background material.on reserve at the Law Library the Center for Bioethics] The field of Bioethics has developed over the past thirty years as a product of several shifts in American cultural consciousness. The pervasive use of rights-based rhetoric borrowed from the civil rights movement contributed to the evolution in the role of physicians as they relate to patients. An ongoing conversation about the impact of law in shaping medical practice also influenced the current complexion of Bioethics as an area of study. A number of legal cases stand as signposts for critical moments in the history of Bioethics. They mark the changing public perception of the intersection of science, medicine, personal values and law. This seminar explores those cases. The first two weeks of the seminar will include a course orientation and exploration of two cases by the instructor. Each week thereafter will feature a presentation on one or more seminal cases, prepared by one or more students. The second hour of the seminar will be a discussion period that focuses on the cultural impact, legal significance and ethical issues raised by the cases. In addition to a class case presentation and involvement in seminar discussions, each law student will be required to complete a research paper building on material presented during the case presentation. Students should be prepared to choose a topic and presentation date at the first seminar meeting. Guidelines for Class Presentations and papers Each student is required to choose a case and make a class presentation that explores the historical, legal, and ethical context of the case. The rest of the students will prepare for the class by reading the case opinion(s). In the first hour, students should: Present the case in its historical setting, budgeting time to entertain questions during or at the end of the hour. The presentation should highlight critical facts of the case, with particular attention to both facts and arguments that have engendered ethical debate. Describe the responses of commentators (ethicists and other) to the case when it was decided; Note the prevailing norms of that period with reference to the ethical and legal issues in the caseâ€â€this will require a search of the literature of the period; Be prepared to answer the question: Why is this a paradigm case (or set of cases) in the history of bioethics, in other words, why does this case have enduring significance in ethical and legal debate? Students should plan their seminar presentation by meeting with the Professor well in advance of the scheduled presentation date. Resources: A variety of resources may be used, including journal articles from the legal and medical literature, other cases that preceded and followed it, and contemporary media coverage that will explain the social/cultural reaction to the case. Audio visual aids, including video/audio tapes, slides or overheads may be used to elucidate elements of the case. Depending on the time at which the case occurred and the amount of commentary (of various kinds) it may have generated, each student may use different types of resource material, and may choose a different disciplinary perspective from which to present the case. Research for the presentation should range from popular professional books and articles that elucidate the case and its impact to information found on the Internet. Students will be expected, as part of the class session, to provide other seminar participants with copies of a detailed outline of their presentation. A bibliograpy (1-2 pages) of sources must accompany the materials. The second hour will involve A discussion with assistance from other students and the Professor, to place the case in the current ethical and legal context. What are the contemporary ethical issues with which the case is now associated? What current cases need to be examined in reference to the â€Å"Great Case?†Where does the debate stand today? What is at stake ethically in the debate and what is your position on the issues? Seminar Paper Each student will be required to write a research paper of significant size and substance on a topic that expands on or relates to the case presented in class. The paper will provide an in-depth exploration of issues raised during the class discussion or in conference with the Professor, and will incorporate reference material discovered during research. The paper should be no less than 25 pages, and should demonstrate familiarity with the scholarly literature in the relevant areas.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Context in Mother Courage and her Children by Brecht Essay -- Second W
Context in Mother Courage and her Children by Brecht There are many different contexts to the play and they are all influenced by social, cultural and historical implications. The context of the play itself and how it was written and performed for the first time and now were all influenced by events that occurred in Brecht’s life. The play itself discusses the thirty year war but is a clear reflection of the Second World War. Brecht believed that the war only took place for the economic benefit of the government and decided to portray this within his work. Marxism was the influence that gave Brecht hope that there was good within humans although some needed re-awakening. Therefore his objective was to make people aware of this and he did this through a process of alienation. The play Mother Courage and her Children was Brecht putting his ideas into practice as the whole play involves alienation and concentration on the political message being portrayed. Brecht’s work was banned from Germany and some of his performances were even disrupted by police and due to the portrayal of the war through his work his plays were socially unacceptable. Due to this social implication the context of Brecht’s play itself conveyed the true nature of the war to its extremes and this decision is clearly apparent in Mother Courage and her Children. The Chaplin was observed as the ironic hypocrite whom represented religion but was too scared to stand up for what he believe...
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Best Buy Marketing Plan Essay
Since its start in 1966 Best Buy Co. , Inc. has become a leading multi-channel global retailer and developer of technology services and products. The company is headquartered in Richfield, MN and currently has 180,000 employees. Best Buy operates in the U. S. , Canada, Mexico, Europe, as well as China. Their product offerings include mobile products, televisions, e-readers, digital cameras, computers, appliances and many others. Best Buy attributes their steady growth over the years to their deep commitment to innovation and their customers. They continually adapt their product offerings to meet and exceed the ever changing technology needs of their customers. Best Buy recognizes that in the world of retail company’s need to constantly be finding new ways to attract, and retain customers. This has led the company to transform their operating models, as well as their stores to have a more customer-centric focus instead of the product-centric focus they once had (BBY, 2012). Recently Best Buy has been forced to make some difficult decisions regarding their company in an effort to stay competitive. With the departure of Best Buy’s CEO, Brian Dunn the company had to deal with some negative press regarding his inappropriate behavior with a company employee. In addition the company’s founder and chairman of the board of directors, Richard Schulze, was also caught up in this negative press and also resigned from the company. Recently Best Buy announced the closure of 50 of their big box stores, and lay off of hundreds of employees in an effort to cut costs (â€Å"Opportunity amid,†2012). As online shopping increases in popularity, Best Buy’s current website may not be equipped to capitalize on this trend. This was demonstrated last holiday season when a malfunction of the company website cost Best Buy sales as well as credibility with consumers (â€Å"Company’s strength,†2012). These recent events are forcing Best Buy to reevaluate their once very successful business model as they look to the future. Situation Analysis The electronics retail industry that Best Buy operates in is one that is constantly evolving as technology and customer preferences change. Business models that were successful in this industry in the past are not as effective in today’s world, thus companies are forced to adapt their techniques to retain their market position in the industry. Over the years Best Buy has built a strong brand recognition in the U. S. as well as around the world. This reputation helps the company maintain a solid market share in the industry. Another advantage for Best Buy is that they are becoming one of the few companies where customers can actually go to a store and try out electronics. Their stores give customers the opportunity to ask questions about electronics, something that online-only companies are lacking (Katsenelson, 2012). In addition Best Buy also offers customers a more personalized experience with their in-house group of electronics experts known as the Geek Squad. Since Best Buy purchased the unknown computer repair group in 2002 the Geek Squad has grown into the world’s largest tech-support operation with annual revenues exceeding $1 billion (â€Å"Company’s strength,†2012). This industry contains two different types of retailers both offering similar products. One type of retailer are those that offer electronics in stores, such as Best Buy, Wal-Mart, and Target. The other type of retailers are those that sole offer their products online, like Amazon, EBay, and Newegg Inc. There is a huge opportunity for Best Buy to really focus on redesigning their website, in an effort to compete with the online-only retailers. The company should work toward building a tighter collaboration between their website and their physical stores (Katsenelson, 2012). In order to truly capitalize on their stores, Best Buy should consider investing more in customer service training for their employees. When customers shop at a Best Buy store the company has an opportunity to personalize the technology experience for them. In the past Best Buy employees have been too focused on selling customers what they want to sell them instead of what customers actually need (â€Å"AT BEST,†2012). Improved customer service will also help in the battle to turn Best Buy stores into more of an asset instead of a liability. Customers are testing products in Best Buy stores, and asking employees questions about them but then ultimately going to an online competitor to make their purchase for a cheaper price. Providing employees with more customer service training may help reduce the threat of losing sales to online-only competitors (Katsenelson, 2012). In addition to improving customer service at Best Buy the company should also focus on reinventing their customer rewards program. By creating a solid rewards program and promoting it the company could encourage more repeat business, and build a more loyal customer base. This industry is also characterized by intense competition, where many different retailers are offering the same products, thus making price one of the main motivators for customers. Best Buy’s main competitors are discount chains such as Target, Wal-Mart, and Costco. As well as online-only companies such as Amazon, EBay, and Newegg Inc. When it comes to appliances Best Buy also competes with home-improvement superstores such as Home Depot and Lowes. In an industry that is driven mostly by price companies will need to discover ways to set themselves apart from the competition in an effort to gain market share. Based on the company information for Best Buy, as well as the industry analysis a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis was created to summarize key items that the company should address. This SWOT analysis will help guide Best Buy as they look to implement a new marketing plan that will hopefully lead to a successful future. SWOT Analysis Strengths (Internal Factors):Weaknesses (Internal Factors): Brand recognition Cost of operating large stores Extended portfolio of products and services Recent negative press regarding departure of upper management Geek Squad Disconnect in regards to pricing between stores and website Opportunities (External Factors):Threats (External Factors): Focus on redesigning company website Intense industry competition Improve employee customer service training Customer information stored on website being hacked Work with vendors to offer bundled products available exclusively at Best Buy Customers shop products in Best Buy stores but ultimately buy product cheaper from online-only competitors Enhance customer rewards program New product launches by major vendors Implementation Control Best Buy executive leadership should review this marketing plan quarterly to track the marketing strategy. Executive leadership should assign individuals to take on responsibility for pushing projects along to meet the marketing strategy. Management must create a schedule and budget to monitor progress but also adapt to any unexpected events that may occur and plan accordingly.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
A Critical Evaluation Of The Internet - 997 Words
Critical evaluation With the ever-increasing pace of modern life, the technology has increased dramatically in recent decades. The development of the Internet is based on the innovation of technology, which created the virtual sphere in contemporary society. According to this article, the author’s main argument is carried out from the following aspects, and I will analyze the expansion of it. The universal use of the internet has broadened the channels of expression and enhanced the range of people’s activity. Compared with traditional mass media, the characteristics of network information are fast as well as cheap, and the coverage is wide due to accessing to information. Furthermore, although the internet is not a real field, it provides a platform which can make the public freely express their argument and mobilize the enthusiasm of the audience. In other words, in the virtual word of cyberspace, many love to post their secrets on the internet anonymously. To some extent, the public have the ability to carry out the expression of democracy, and it cannot limit the traditional political problems at the same time. On the other hand, the potential of the internet is that it can also connect the whole of people with different cultural backgrounds and social status. A good case is that network anonymity can overcome the identity boundaries, because of the gender, age , job positions are not visible, which is more conducive to public participation in the exchange of ideas, andShow MoreRelatedQualitative Study1396 Words  | 6 PagesQualitative Study Evaluation Edwina Williams u5a1 Capella University Fall November 2011: Address (optional): City, State, Zip (optional): Phone (optional): E-mail: Instructor: Vickie Claflin Qualitative Study Evaluation Evaluation of the Title The title of this research study is: The internet and student research: teaching critical evaluation skills. 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