Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Wipro Hrm Policy
Wipro is an Indian multinational, provider of information technology services, consulting, outsourcing services and research and development services. It is headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. As of 2012, the company has over 1,30,000 employees and a worldwide presence with global centers across 54 countries. Human resource management may be defined as a set of policies, programmes and practices designed to maximize both personal and organizational objectives. OBJECTIVES OF WIPRO HRM: * Effective utilization of the available human resources. * Organizational structure of relationship. Development of human resource and rewarding them. * Compatibility of individual goals with those of the organization. * Maintain high morale of the employees. ACTIVITIES OF HRM * Recruitment. * Selection. * Placement. * Training. * Performance Appraisal. * Compensation. * Maintenance. RECRUITMENT Wipro’s recruitment consists of three rounds. ROUND 1 : * Written test. * Verbal test. * Aptitude test. * Technical test. ROUND 2 : Round 2 is a technical test. ROUND 3 : Round 3 is the final stage of the recruitment process and it concludes with the HR meeting.Wipro Recruitment Drive organized by IPSR career center on Thursday, 7th October 2010 was another accomplishment in a long line of others. The venue – BVM College, Cherppunkal, Kottayam was teeming with candidates from all over the state. More than 600 job seekers attended the event, with a good 312 candidates having been shortlisted PLACEMENT Upon joining, the incumbent shall be given an employee code number by Manager(HR) and he shall fill up the joining forms and shall submit the same to the Manager(HR) for further course of action. Wipro recruit 40%employees from campus recruitment.Another popular source for Wipro’s Recruitment is the Online Placement through National Skill Registry (NSA). Wipro’s campus placement for the year 2010-2011 TRAINING At Wipro, The HR departm ent knows how critical time is for fulfilling training needs and hence developed competency in the area of rapid learning. An emerging form of content development, Rapid Learning helps to develop content in a short span of time using various tools. Wipro has strategic partnerships with leading technology provider to help employees choose the tool that suits their requirement best.Based on research conducted in this area, Rapid Content Development can be used for any of the following content areas: * Critical training. * Minor change. * Short shelf life. * Frequent updates. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Are people developing as fast as the business is moving? In order to answer performance related questions, Wipro offers an integrated end-to-end performance management solutions. This solution is based on global people processes drawn from best practices and helps organization steam line their performance and evaluation process.Wipro’s Performance Management solution not only hel ps you establish the best practices in Performance Management like 360degree appraisal, MBO, etc, but enables reduced Performance Management cycle time without compromising on the sub-processes which are so critical to HR values, like Work Planning Conference, Work Plan Establishment, Development plans and Objective setting, Interim Review, Overall evaluation, detecting Performance deficiencies, Tracking, Documentation and Archiving. Once reviewed by HR dept. Assistant (HR) updates the records for each employee’s score in the database.COMPENSATION Compensation is a systematic approach to providing monetary value to employees in exchange for work performed. Compensation may achieve several purposes assisting in recruitment, job performance, and job satisfaction. Wages and salaries structure is very vital for the retention of the employees as due to stiff competition if proper salary is not given then the employees might shift to organizations providing higher salary. Theref ore proper salary along with various other incentive methods should be used to retain the current employee work force.Recently Wipro increased wages for its employees by 8%. EMPLOYEE WELFARE ACTIVITES 1) Education: Wipro has its own institute, where education is given to the employees’ children absolutely free. The school has classes from JR. kg to class-XII and is an english medium school. Free transportation facility is also provided to them. 2) Medical: Company’s philosophy is â€Å"Nobody should die without fund†. Company believes its responsibility towards health services to the provident of the employees go beyond the statutory provision. Being the petrochemical ndustry some of their process are considered hazardous. The company recognises the importance of good occupational health services. Therefore, at the manufacturing sites, they have well equipped, full fledged medical centre which are manned round the clock. 3) Housing: The company ha s it’s own township at different locations in Bangalore. If a house is available, the new employees are allotted the house otherwise the company can also hire a house. All the maintenance houses provided to employees by company is done by the company. ) Canteen: The company gives canteen facility under which food is provided to the employees but it is not compulsory for them. The employees get the allowance in their salary. The Contract Cell at Wipro invites tenders and the Contract cell signs detailed agreement with the contractor. The operation of the canteen is given on the contract. 5) Sports: To motivate the employees the company organises different sport tournaments i. e. Cricket, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Badminton, etc. ) Recreational activities: For the recreation of the employees, the company organises a get together with the families once in a year. The company also arranges for a short distance picnic for which the employess are allowed Rs. 100/- and free tr ansportation. 7) Club Membership: The purpose of the club membership is to meet other members of the industrial community and interact with them for relation personnel leisure. 8) Insurance Policy: Wipro provides personal accident insurance policy of Rs 100000 for employees.Premium of the company is half pay by employee and other will be paid by Wipro. ANNUAL LEAVE Every employee gets an annual leave of 30 days and if more than 30 days is taken, then leave will be deducted from the next year. ANNUAL SICK DAYS In a year, 5 days are given as leave for sick days. If more than 5 days are taken, a certain amount will be deducted from the salary. EDUCATION * Learning through internet is provided. * Education tie-ups: It provides Post Graduate Software Management (PGSM) program. It also gives middle management course for 5 weeks and distance learning.BENEFITS * Medical assistance program is provided to all its employees. * Interest free loan is also provided to all its employees. * It prov ides credit cards for the employees as per the policy. * It provides Wipro Employee Stock Option Plan which allows Wipro to enable its employees to share the success of the company and be rewarded. RECOGNITION & REWARD * Wipro Hall of Frame. * Mastermind. * Thanks a zillion. * Dear boss. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ON WIPRO VIKRAM ADITYA KAR (1210721) NEHA RATHI (1210733) ASHWARIYA NAG (1210784)
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Communication in Health and Social Care
Communication in Health and Social Care BY chrtssy7694 Different forms of communication. In these two sections I am going to identify the four different forms of communication and later on I am going to describe them all briefly. Pl) Identify different forms of communication. Verbal Communication Non-verbal communication Written communication Technological aids MI) Describe different forms of communication. Verbal communication: Verbal communication is when one make use of a spoken language to show his or her opinion or simply Just to communicate with others.Verbal ommunication has a wide range of purposes. The most obvious function is that verbal communication is the main procedure when it comes to communicate with others. Also the purpose of verbal communication is to show one needs, desires, and ideas but above all it serves in the course of teaching and learning. Apart from all the purposes mentioned above, verbal communication can be used to form better relationship and building relationships with others.Non-verbal communication: Nonverbal communication refers to the actions that one make to communicate with others apart rom the obvious ones like speaking or writing. This form of communication includes: facial expressions, body language (hand movement, head movement), eye contact, proximity, posture, appearance, signs, symbols and pictures. It can be more efficient and sometimes more than verbal communication. Body language is all the body movements that one makes to express his or her feelings.This include how one stands, the way that someone is walking or simply Just the way one moves can give signs of how we are feeling. Another type of non-verbal communication is gestures. Hand movement, facial expression, head movement and even body postures are all gestures. Signs, symbols and pictures can be used tor example by workers to indicate some sort of work in progress in the streets. Another important type of non-verbal communication is the use of sign lang uage.This type is very useful to those who have hearing problems for example, someone deaf can use lip reading or hand signals to communicate with others. Even more there are those actions which we do them involuntary, we Just do them automatically which show how we are feeling, for xample: when someone is has a slumped posture it shows sadness. Written communication: This form of communication means a lot in todays life. Writing is more effective and formal than speech because writing is something permanent while speech is something that when it is said it can be forgotten.Even more writing can serve as a proof on something or someone or Just it can be records about a patient or some medicines. Written communication can be practiced in any business sector, for example in the health and social care area. When someone is sing written communication as his way of communication he needs to know how to include the right choice of words, write sentences in the correct Technological aids: In this present day technology is advancing a lot and we have many technologic aids that we can use to communicate with others.We have mobile phones to send text messages to someone and we can even call them. Apart from this computers help us to communication even worldwide with others or save some information. Technologic aids can help disabled person to communicate more freely without being reliant on others, or example nowadays in movies one can choose to enable subtitles so that one can understand better the movie.Another good example is the voice box which was invented by Professor Stephen Hawking which can convert small movements into speech. (Sian Lavers, Helen Lancaster, Howarth Elizabeth,Higgins Heather, 2010) From these two sections one can notice how people can interact with each other in different forms of way. One can even know if someone is really interested in what he is saying or not. Even more by examining the other person and keep eye contact one can have a good co nversation. Communication in Health and Social Care BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Health and Social Care. Unit 1: Communication in Health and Social Care. P1: Create an article for the ‘Nursing Times’ magazine. Effective communication in a Hospital setting. In the health and social care setting, two types of communication take place in one-to-one and group communication. These are formal and informal communication. You may take part in a few one–to–one situations. This may be with staff and staff, staff with patients and staff with the patient family. Also as staff you may find yourself in group situation with the patient and a number of the patient’s family members. Related reading: Evaluate the Effectiveness of Agreed Methods of Communication With An IndividualThe usual form of language in a group conversation if formal but in formal is also used as well depending on the circumstance. There are a number of factors that influence effective communication within both one-to-one interactions and group interactions. These are formal, informal, verbal, and non-verbal skills. One-to-one Communication. In a hospital, communication takes place more frequently than informal interactions. Formal interactions will be between staff and staff, staff with patients and staff with family members.Formal interactions are very effective in one-to-ones because it is polite and medical terms are used to make it sound more professional in a serious matter. Formal communication is effective when used by staff because it is a professional way of communicating important information. Informal communications is used only in curtain circumstances not in all because it is n ot always polite to be informal with everyone all the time but using informal communication can lighten up the mood and make the patient feel better about the situation.Verbal and non-verbal communication is used everyday by every staff member in the hospital setting so it is vital that the staff know how to communicate correctly. Verbal communication is when you are talking to a person. You should be confident so that the person that you are speaking to is reassured that you know what you are talking about. You should also be listening to what the person says carefully because you want to make that person feel better about being in the situation they are in. Non-verbal communication covers body language, proximity, posture, hand gestures and facial expressions.You can use this effectively by using these things well in the right way. E. g. when you are talking to someone in a one-to-one you should be standing/ sitting straight and making eye contact. Jargon and slang are used in the hospital between staff and staff when communicating. Jargon is more medical terminology, so when an incident occurs then the staff can use jargon to make the staff fell more confident so they are not embarrassed. Jargon is an universal language so it can be used by everyone which is an advantage. Slang is a terminology that continues to change.It is an informal way of communicating and is used normally between staff with staff and staff with patients. Slang also covers nicknames or terms for patients they are talking about. It can be used effectively to protect the identity of the patient they are discussing over which can add humour to very stressful situations. Group Communication. Group communication can take place between staff, patients and family members. It can also take place between a group of professionals. Both formal and informal communication is used.Again, formal communication is used more often in a group conversation. Group conversations are effective because it let s more people know important information and more ideas and opinions can be shared. Informal conversation can be used to make patients feel patients feel better about the situation and can be quite humorous but if it is used in the wrong circumstance people can be offended by what is said in a jokey manner. In a group conversation verbal communication is important because it is key to make sure that each person involved knows what is being said and each person can participate.When talking in a group it is effective to speak loud and clear so that the patient and family members know what you are saying. Also, having a good posture when talking is also effective because you will then come across as positive. Non-verbal communication is just as important as verbal communication when talking in a group. Body language is effective because it lets other people know that you are positive and confident about what they do. Jargon is generally used in group communication between staff profess ionals because it is not a professional way to communicate to patients and family members with.It is effective when used between colleagues because it is a universal language so when staff from different countries communicate Jargon can be used to tell the other hospital what has happened. Slang is only used when staff are by their own so if staff are having a group meeting then slang is usually used. Written communication is used to communicate between staff and staff. E. g a board of notes about each patient is used to communicate in a ward without having to spent time to find each other when they could just write it down.Writing, good hand writing and reading skills are need to communicate through written communication. When written communication takes place, it needs to be clear and neat with good grammar. Signs and symbols are used everywhere in hospitals. E. g no smoking, directions etc. They are effective by communicating information to people who need it where they are. It c an communicate to many people without any human communication. Also with people with different cultures and languages can all understand what the signs and symbols mean. Communication in Health and Social Care BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Health and Social Care. Unit 1: Communication in Health and Social Care. P1: Create an article for the ‘Nursing Times’ magazine. Effective communication in a Hospital setting. In the health and social care setting, two types of communication take place in one-to-one and group communication. These are formal and informal communication. You may take part in a few one–to–one situations. This may be with staff and staff, staff with patients and staff with the patient family. Also as staff you may find yourself in group situation with the patient and a number of the patient’s family members. Related reading: Evaluate the Effectiveness of Agreed Methods of Communication With An IndividualThe usual form of language in a group conversation if formal but in formal is also used as well depending on the circumstance. There are a number of factors that influence effective communication within both one-to-one interactions and group interactions. These are formal, informal, verbal, and non-verbal skills. One-to-one Communication. In a hospital, communication takes place more frequently than informal interactions. Formal interactions will be between staff and staff, staff with patients and staff with family members.Formal interactions are very effective in one-to-ones because it is polite and medical terms are used to make it sound more professional in a serious matter. Formal communication is effective when used by staff because it is a professional way of communicating important information. Informal communications is used only in curtain circumstances not in all because it is n ot always polite to be informal with everyone all the time but using informal communication can lighten up the mood and make the patient feel better about the situation.Verbal and non-verbal communication is used everyday by every staff member in the hospital setting so it is vital that the staff know how to communicate correctly. Verbal communication is when you are talking to a person. You should be confident so that the person that you are speaking to is reassured that you know what you are talking about. You should also be listening to what the person says carefully because you want to make that person feel better about being in the situation they are in. Non-verbal communication covers body language, proximity, posture, hand gestures and facial expressions.You can use this effectively by using these things well in the right way. E. g. when you are talking to someone in a one-to-one you should be standing/ sitting straight and making eye contact. Jargon and slang are used in the hospital between staff and staff when communicating. Jargon is more medical terminology, so when an incident occurs then the staff can use jargon to make the staff fell more confident so they are not embarrassed. Jargon is an universal language so it can be used by everyone which is an advantage. Slang is a terminology that continues to change.It is an informal way of communicating and is used normally between staff with staff and staff with patients. Slang also covers nicknames or terms for patients they are talking about. It can be used effectively to protect the identity of the patient they are discussing over which can add humour to very stressful situations. Group Communication. Group communication can take place between staff, patients and family members. It can also take place between a group of professionals. Both formal and informal communication is used.Again, formal communication is used more often in a group conversation. Group conversations are effective because it let s more people know important information and more ideas and opinions can be shared. Informal conversation can be used to make patients feel patients feel better about the situation and can be quite humorous but if it is used in the wrong circumstance people can be offended by what is said in a jokey manner. In a group conversation verbal communication is important because it is key to make sure that each person involved knows what is being said and each person can participate.When talking in a group it is effective to speak loud and clear so that the patient and family members know what you are saying. Also, having a good posture when talking is also effective because you will then come across as positive. Non-verbal communication is just as important as verbal communication when talking in a group. Body language is effective because it lets other people know that you are positive and confident about what they do. Jargon is generally used in group communication between staff profess ionals because it is not a professional way to communicate to patients and family members with.It is effective when used between colleagues because it is a universal language so when staff from different countries communicate Jargon can be used to tell the other hospital what has happened. Slang is only used when staff are by their own so if staff are having a group meeting then slang is usually used. Written communication is used to communicate between staff and staff. E. g a board of notes about each patient is used to communicate in a ward without having to spent time to find each other when they could just write it down.Writing, good hand writing and reading skills are need to communicate through written communication. When written communication takes place, it needs to be clear and neat with good grammar. Signs and symbols are used everywhere in hospitals. E. g no smoking, directions etc. They are effective by communicating information to people who need it where they are. It c an communicate to many people without any human communication. Also with people with different cultures and languages can all understand what the signs and symbols mean.
Monday, July 29, 2019
HR business expansion to china Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
HR business expansion to china - Essay Example The other possibility is to have them sign a contract up front but Chinese employees do not expect to spend more than two years working for any industry so it will be limited. There are many unique considerations in the Human Resources realm when moving a business to China. Some of those can be overcome and some of them cannot. It must be remembered that the US has specific standards in how employees are treated and this remains a US company while China has one of the worst records in the world for how humans are treated. There, of course will be the usual things to consider which are many compensation, fair labor rules, diversity, work hours, training, vacation and holidays, as well as other issues. As noted in our explanation below, there are some major issues to consider in whether or not to send Expats or hire them. If it is decided to train them, it must be remembered that some o that training will need to be in the US and that cost will run between $8 and10 thousand per trip. In China, there is not the same expected loyalty to a company because of this expense which means that the company may spend it and do the training only to have the employee be offered a better salary because they are trained and to move jobs. The suggestion here that may help get around some of this cost is to have them sign a contract up front (Wang & XU, 2005). Attracting these people will also be somewhat difficult right now as there is plenty of competition going on. Increased numbers of holiday and improved pay rates help but there are things that Chinese professionals want that may be better consideration such as where they live. Corporate apartments set up with a little more space than they are used to might help. It is a matter of being creative to both attract these professional and to retain them (Sonnenfelf & Peiperl, 1988). Cross Cultural Work Issues China's labor rates are significantly different according to which region of the country is considered. The average unskilled worker will cost approximately $50 per month per person. However, in Shanghai, the same position may cost $150 per person per month. To be outside of Shanghai by even 20 miles will drop labor rates to the $50 per month cost. The US business is used to being trained on multiple diversity issues. In China there are really no diversity issues and the HR specialists there will have difficulty in understanding, in fact may be very confused as to what this means. It is suggested that diversity training not occur in China as it will confuse the workers as well as the HR specialists. An example would be an add from a company that read "looking for women with fine motor skills for assembly job." This add confused the HR personnel. When ask why they simply said that it is a woman's job and only women will apply (Zhang, Wang, 2006). China actually is less diverse than any other area in the world. The vast majority of the population is ethnic Chinese. The laws in China, also do not protect diversity and do not view it as a concern. There is, in fact, open discrimination against women and it is part of the culture. There are some jobs that are considered male and some that are considered female. There are some issue s with religion that personnel from here should keep in mind when
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Gender and Sexual Studies - Transgendered Children Essay
Gender and Sexual Studies - Transgendered Children - Essay Example In addition, a California teen identified as Taylor has started a campaign to boycott Girl Scout cookies as a direct response to the admittance of transgendered members (Girl Scout Launches Cookie, 2012). These occurrences have resulted in considerable difficulties and raised complex questions as to the moral ramifications of identity. The popular understanding of the transgendered child is one that identifies or manifests any of the characteristics of the opposite sex (About our transgendered, 2007). One recognizes that this is distinguished from the notion of the transsexual in that the transgendered child may not contain physical characteristics of the opposite sex, but mentally manifests transgendered personality tendencies. Of course, such a notion raises a variety of further difficulties regarding identity. For instance, determining when to label an individual male or female is more complex than simple physical characteristics, as such labels carry with them personality element s. For the individual in the video, Taylor, distinguishing between male and female is a matter of physicality; that is, if one has the organs of a male, then they are male. When further examining Taylor’s contentions and those that seek to restrict transgendered children’s admission to the Girl Scouts it’s clear that their underlining argument is highly problematic. In considering the argumentative position of these individuals, one notes they rely on an antiquated notion of sex and gender identity. Oriel (2000) distinguishes between the Traditional Binary Gender Model and the Revolutionary Gender Model. The Traditional Binary Gender Model considers biological sex, gender expression, and sexual orientation as clearly distinguished between male and female. Oriel (2000) argues that research into the biological sciences has largely discredited the Traditional Binary Gender Model in favor of the Revolutionary Gender Model. The later model argues that gender distinct ions are largely hybrid and dynamic and that individuals will hold separate types of biological sex, gender expression, and sexual orientation. Such findings largely discredit the distinctions made by individuals such as Taylor who seek to clearly distinguish between males and females. In further considering the question of the transgendered child there is a question of whether they should be considered male or female. Currently, the Girl Scouts consider gender categorization to be one of the brain, contending that individuals should be admitted to the Girl Scouts based on whether they identity with the socially constructed notion of femininity. In determining the nature of gender identity on a broader scale, it’s clear that both the Girl Scouts and their opponents have made a mistake in their categorizations. To a large degree the mistake that has been made is a logical error and constitutes an over reliance on linguistic categorizations. Perspectives as embodied by Taylor a nd her video are assuming that necessarily there must be a distinction between male and female. Influenced perhaps by Biblical and social tradition, this argument is based not on biology, but on the assumption that since the word ‘male’ and ‘female’ exists, there must be a corresponding subject in the real world. When one bases categorization on scientific rationality and deconstructs traditional assumptions of ‘
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Quality Management Assessment Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Quality Management Assessment Summary - Essay Example stomer’s expectations, quality management programs are put in place to ensure that services rendered to customers meet the suggestions brought forth by customers through suggestion boxes and social network forums. Quality management assessment is also carried out to identify problems facing various departments of the hospital. This purpose is achieved because in the course of assessing staff and departmental heads for the quality of service they render, the opportunity comes for management to know common areas that staff normally falls short – therefore common problems of the hospital. Quality management assessment also paves way for building strong commitment among workers. The commitment building sets in as employees are constantly assured that management are concerned about their problems and take steps towards solving. Finally through quality management assessment, opportunity is created to promote open decision-making among workers of the hospital because quality m anagement assessment is conducted in a democratic and open manner where all workers are given the opportunity to bring on board problems that face them in their departments. Quality management assessment has several components that come together to make the phenomenon more of a process rather than an event. Because it is a process, quality management assessment comes with a number of key concepts. Three of such concepts are that quality management assessment applies analytical tools, uses process techniques and integrates other management concepts. Kaluzny, McLaughlin and Simpson (1992) notes that quality management assessment employs analytical tools â€Å"such as flow and statistical charts and check sheets, to gather data about activities within an organization.†This means that quality management assessment opens itself up to quantitative analysis that makes results gathered from quality management assessments very empirical and reliable. On process techniques, there is always the adoption of
Teaching Plan for Practical Skill and Techniques of Peripheral Essay
Teaching Plan for Practical Skill and Techniques of Peripheral Intravenous Cannulation - Essay Example This teaching plan shall provide an easy format to help teach medical staff like the nurses, midwives, physicians and surgeons on this procedure. The objectives of this teaching plan are to enable the student to know the devices and equipment used for this particular procedure. While learning, the students should know various parts of the body which are the best insertion sites. The students should also be able to completely do the procedure successfully and be aware of any associated complication and how to handle them. There are several learning theories that have been brought forward, the three main ones are behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. These theories merely try to explain how we learn. The behaviorist theory focuses mainly on the observable change .To modify people’s attitudes and responses, behaviorists believe that you either change the stimulus conditions in the environment or change what happens after a response happens. Behaviorists generally ignore t he internal factors of learning but on the contrary the cognitive learning theorists stress the importance of what goes on within the learner. Cognitive learning allows a student to think critically and gather information to acquire and develop his/her skills. It is therefore important in plan to teach certain skills that a conducive environment is provided to ease understanding of complex procedures. Lastly the constructivism focuses developing one’s learning from personal experiences. This simply applies a teacher must take into consideration the experience of the student thus provide sufficient room for practice either through simulations or with a real patients. Individuals may prefer a particular method of learning or different style and it’s the teacher’s judgment to decide which theory works for his student. The most common method used by many teachers is when students perform the cannulation under the supervision of a competent clinical procedure teachin g staff. There are several preferred learning styles by the students may opt one being the practical on an actual patient. In this case the practitioner or teacher must be present and ensure that the student has sound understanding of the procedure and anticipated outcomes. These may be both complications and expected anticipation. The other method could be the use of a simulated environment this can be used especially with students who have high anticipation to lower the pressure of dealing with an actual patient. For such students I would focus on building their psychomotor skills so that they build up confidence and it’s more practical to teach the students in parts. In such an environment the students can discover and learn different methods of performing the skills and also learn to correct errors that they make without fear of harming patients. These students would have enough practice before they can actually perform their first clinical procedure in an actual environm ent. Another technique that also uses non patients is use of videos from audio visual libraries to give the students a view of â€Å"real†patient scenarios. Although it has its disadvantages it also helps especially by filling the gap when real patients are not available. Similarly models may be used in teaching procedures like the intravenous cannullae insertion. This is very useful especially for students who have never performed such
Friday, July 26, 2019
Finance Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Finance - Case Study Example It should be noted that the selection of the family members for their respective positions are due to their being the relative of the founder and cannot be credited to their skills or experience in the industry. The current poor financial performance of G-III might be attributed to this set-up. Even though some of the important executives of G-III are not family members, the Goldfarbs are still in the highest ranks which place them in the position of making the final decisions even though some lower level executives disagree or might recommend otherwise. The efficiency of the management team is indicated by the financial position of G-III in comparison to other industry players. The case stated that in general, G-III has expanded market share from 2% to 10% with a compounded increase in revenue of 68% from 1986-1989. The market has grown faster at a rate of compounded 75% making G-III quite slow to respond to market expansion. Financially speaking, most of the company's resources are financed by riskier short term debt instead of long-term ones. As G-III is cash strapped, the company is illiquid and cannot pay its current obligations if they become due immediately. It also becomes apparent that the remedy for this will be from the capital which will be raised from the IPO.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Breaking the Cultural Barrier to Medicine Essay
Breaking the Cultural Barrier to Medicine - Essay Example As a compliment to that effort, we need to address our state grants to achieve that goal. Our higher educational institutions need to address this problem by establishing new educational programs, increasing cultural competence, and recruiting for diversity. Health care cultural competency begins with communication. Communication is more than simply knowing the language. Health seeking behaviors are affected by cultural mores and University cultural educational programs should focus on acquiring skills that can elicit the patient's response and define the illness and treatment within their social context (Kirpalani et al. 2006 p.1116). This should also be applied to patients who have limited literacy as these patients usually have less awareness of disease management (Frist 2005 p.447). A grant to establish a course curriculum in diversity communication is a necessary first step to reducing the disparity in the health of our citizens. These skills moderate the patient's participation in medical decisions and treatment. Communication is more than simply learning the language and the medical terminology. Communication must be culture based. University educational programs that address cultural sensitivity to assure that the caregiver is adequately communicating within the patient's cultural context are imperative. Grants are required to establish a curriculum that would relate the attitudes that ethnic populations may have in respect to illness, medicine, and surgery. Failure to understand the cultural context of minority medicine can result in a perception of insensitivity. A patient who feels like they are being treated unfairly will be less prone to seek treatment. A course in cultural communication could alleviate many communication problems. Grants should also be directed towards diseases that have been identified as minority prevalent. The addition of a University course relating the strategies designed to reduce risk among minority populations is needed. Cardiovascular disease in the Arabic and Farsi speaking communities and Sickle-cell disease among African-Americans are two examples. Because studies have indicated that genetics are involved in some health related issues between racial and ethnic groups, training that focuses on recognition of the problem is essential (McBride 2005 p. 181). By recognizing ethnic trends in disease prevalence, caregivers can design programs for early intervention and develop appropriate pharmaceutical requirements. Medical school should also include training on the appropriate handling of the issue of death and dying within different cultures. Knowing the role of privacy and the perception of bad news can prolong patient survival. According to Misra-Hebert (2003), "People in many cultures believe that informing the patient of a terminal diagnosis may hasten death" (p.298). A cultural sensitivity to this issue would also include an awareness of the cultural issues that surround the care of the dying as well as the expression of grief. University medical schools require grants to initiate a curriculum that addresses death and dying in diverse cultures. Adequate cultural competency would necessitate the inclusion of the awareness of this issue. State grants should also
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
American International Group (AIG) Research Paper
American International Group (AIG) - Research Paper Example This essay discusses that the CEO Greenberg ensured that he networked with everyone including the different presidents in power and hence built himself a fortress of support and built himself and AIG immunity from questions and outside auditing which would have discovered the fraud and illegal business deals that were taking place in the company and which led to the massive expansion of the company and its ultimate downfall. The rest of the executives offered their full support of the illegal Credit Default Swap (CDS) project which even though it brought in a lot of money than any other department in the firm, its activities and ethics were questionable. The executives even prevented external audit firms from coming to audit them as they did not want their grand fraud and illegal scheme to be discovered by outsiders even though that eventually took place. If only the firm had an organizational culture that necessitated external auditing, then they would not have initiated the program in the first place hence saving themselves embarrassment and government the bailout money. A stronger ethics program would have prevented Greenberg from calling in favors to prevent the firm from being scrutinized and the uncovering of the truth. The corporate executives were dishonest and harbored business deals that were not illegal but unethical. They also jeopardized the lives of millions of Americans through the unethical deal with CDS as many people whose money was lost in one way or another would have suffered. Their unethical conduct also out at risk the jobs of all their employees some of whom even had no idea what really that financial department that dealt with CDS was all about or that it even existed and hence were caught in the spur of the moment at the discovery of the truth. If the executives were ethical and honest in the company, the bailout would not have been necessary. A stronger ethics program would have prevented even the illegal department officials to carry out these illegal deals. The corporate executives should be the ones to set a perfect example to their employees and not aid in turning them criminals if they had put in place a stronger ethics culture within the organization. 3. What could AIG have done differently to prevent its failure and subsequent bailout? AIG should never have set up that department and the CDS financial dealings in the first place. This would have prevented the whole meltdown as it was. Even after its creation, they would have allowed external auditors or even external scrutiny to be carried out which would have unveiled the problem as early as possible hence preventing the government from having to spend over $180 billion bailing it out and preventing it from being fully bankrupt hence preventing other businesses and individuals in America from the already bad economic recession of 2008. The employees who were aware of the deal should have refused to participate in an unethical deal and even taken the init iative and report the firm to securities and exchange if the corporate culture had taught them how to be ethical. 4. Provide your thoughts/opinion about the importance of Corporate Culture in the Business world? Corporate culture provides guidance to all the employees in an organization starting from the top executives to the downright bottom employee in the chain of command (Flamholtz and Yvonne 3). This therefore ensures that no unethical behavior goes unreported to the necessary authorities hence preventing an embarrassing situation later on. A business has many stakeholders and a good corporate culture helps to define the roles of each of these stakeholders
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Impact of Financial crises in the real estate investment sector of UAE Research Paper
Impact of Financial crises in the real estate investment sector of UAE ( UAE is a country which is United Arab Emirates) - Research Paper Example Also, construction highly contributes to the economy of a country. These sectors intensify and make the financial structures extra adequate by assisting in lessening informal sources of finance, enhancing access, and assisting in mobilizing savings. In addition, real estate lending, including development and commercial investments have the capacity to make the financial system to be unstable, predominantly if connected to speculative and recurring market dangers, as highlighted by the continued worldwide financial calamities (Fried, 2012). This paper will look at the effects of financial predicaments in the real estate investment sector of United Arab Emirates. Growth of Companies At the start, the companies which were affected were those which were engaged in mortgage lending and home construction in a direct way. This is because the companies could not get financial support through the credit sector. Almost one hundred corporations became bankrupt in the recent recessions. The growth of companies has been slowing down after the recent recessions. House building companies, despite the tremendous discounts they have been giving on their works, have found it difficult to make sales. This is because a large number of companies cannot contend with the mark down in value in the largely suffering resale sector (Fried, 2012). A large part of house sales made by real estate companies now incorporate foreclosure. This is an indication of persistent market failure. Moreover, foreclosures are becoming a prominent component of the limited market situation that they are increasingly being used as the standard. Also, manufacturing companies have sharply decreased their activities thus lessening their growth (Fried, 2012). Individuals are no longer able to buy new residences, which mean that house constructing companies are compelled to desert construction assignments. Think of all the materials that are employed in furnishing and constructing a household; all the compan ies that develop these materials, in general, have suffered decreased sales to create market value. Manufacturing companies, already suffering deterioration, are falling in a dramatic manner. These companies are also filing for bankruptcy after shutting down a number of their dealerships and factories, despite unparalleled economic assistance from the United Arab Emirates governments. Also, a number of chief companies have crashed, taken over by the different governments, or attained under constraint. Growth of Investment The financial crises have also had an impact on the growth of investment in the United Arab Emirates. The financial predicaments have caused a spectacular alteration in the purchasing decisions of home owners and have had a tremendous effect on the revival of the property markets in the United Arab Emirates. The financial crises have caused a decline in the growth of investment. Several studies conducted in the United Arab Emirates indicate that the financial issue s have had a significant impact on the purchasing decisions which are made by home owners. The outcomes indicate that over 50% of home owners have a feeling that the financial problems have had an impact on their property purchasing resolutions. In addition, almost 33% of homeowners are waiting for the property values to stabilize before they can take part in the real estate market (Schweizer, 2009). It has also been highlighted that prior to the financial crises
Monday, July 22, 2019
I lesson plan Essay Example for Free
I lesson plan Essay I. To develop experiential insights and interactive literacy among students. II. A. The students should find out and give insights of the 10 differences of the pictures. B. The students will able to formulate questions of their own. III. Pictures IV. Introduction Limit 20 min A. Q: Have you seen pictures of beautiful sceneries, houses, markets and busy streets? B. Students realize different situations shown by their opponent mate. C. Motivation Letting students appreciate ones ideas and more likely contributes his or her ideas to opponents. V. TEACHING STRATEGIES/ ACTIVITIES: (Time Limit: 35 min. ) A. Concept/Content: Comprehension, understanding and analyzing by comparing and contrasting. B. Skills to be develop: Interacting, speaking, listening, and do his or her own critical thinking. C. List 10 questions to ask and describe the picture. D. Let the students form in pairs and give them pictures. Do not let them show first to their mate the picture yet? Then instruct them to sit back-to-back and then cover very well their handed picture. Students should plan 10 questions to ask about the picture he or she handed in. Let her or his mate opponent’s quest about the picture. E. Participants are ESOL and gifted child as well. F. Discussion, giving insights and analyzing the pictures. A student expresses his or her own views about the pictures handed. G. Describe your surroundings at home. What are the things your mother does and other members of the family do to make your home clean and beautiful? A. Students were able to show her or his own point of view and trust to himself or herself trust to answer, The students able to list down 19 questions ask and expresses their feeling, understanding and, contrasting students ideas and concepts. B. Students can describe his or her own surroundings at home. To evaluate at their own what is new, good and unlikely not good to their own home. Generally students formulate their own concepts and develop skills of communicating and comprehending through understanding about the things around. V. I should create good surroundings and evaluated students as to their own self. Develop initiated activities more comprehensive situation leading to more higher degree of thinking. IX. I was able to guide students clearly on how and what to do with the activities. The students meet the exact ideas they get and developed a skills through experiences. The students able to communicate each other the usual means of mingling to each other.
What books to read Essay Example for Free
What books to read Essay 1. Blind Man With a Pistol – Chester Hines 2. The French Lieutenant’s Woman – John Fowles 3. The Green Man – Kingsley Amis 4. Portnoy’s Complaint – Philip Roth 5. Ada – Vladimir Nabokov 6. Them – Joyce Carol Oates 7. A Void/Avoid – Georges Perec 8. Eva Trout – Elizabeth Bowen 9. Myra Breckinridge – Gore Vidal 10. The Nice and the Good – Iris Murdoch 11. Belle du Seigneur – Albert Cohen 12. Dark as the Grave Wherein My Friend is Laid – Malcolm Lowry 13. The German Lesson – Siegfried Lenz 14. In Watermelon Sugar – Richard Brautigan 15. A Kestrel for a Knave – Barry Hines 16. The Quest for Christa T. – Christa Wolf. 17. Chocky – John Wyndham 18. The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test – Tom Wolfe 19. The Cubs and Other Stories – Mario Vargas Llosa 20. One Hundred Years of Solitude Gabriel Garcia Marquez 21. The Master and Margarita – Mikhail Bulgakov 22. Pilgrimage – Dorothy Richardson 23. The Joke – Milan Kundera 24. No Laughing Matter – Angus Wilson 25. The Third Policeman – Flann O’Brien 26. A Man Asleep – Georges Perec 27. The Birds Fall Down – Rebecca West 28. Trawl – B. S. Johnson 29. In Cold Blood – Truman Capote 30. The Magus – John Fowles 31. The Vice-Consul – Marguerite Duras 32. Wide Sargasso Sea – Jean Rhys 33. Giles Goat-Boy – John Barth 34. The Crying of Lot 49 – Thomas Pynchon 35. Things – Georges Perec 36. The River Between – Ngugi wa Thiong’o 37. August is a Wicked Month – Edna O’Brien 38. God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater – Kurt Vonnegut 39. Everything That Rises Must Converge – Flannery O’Connor 40. The Passion According to G. H. – Clarice Lispector 41. Sometimes a Great Notion – Ken Kesey 42. Come Back, Dr. Caligari – Donald Bartholme 43. Albert Angelo – B. S. Johnson 44. Arrow of God – Chinua Achebe 45. The Ravishing of Lol V. Stein – Marguerite Duras 46. Herzog – Saul Bellow 47. V. – Thomas Pynchon 48. Cat’s Cradle – Kurt Vonnegut 49. The Graduate – Charles Webb 50. Manon des Sources – Marcel Pagnol 51. The Spy Who Came in from the Cold – John Le Carre 52. The Girls of Slender Means – Muriel Spark 53. Inside Mr. Enderby – Anthony Burgess 54. The Bell Jar – Sylvia Plath 55. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich – Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn 56. The Collector – John Fowles 57. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – Ken Kesey 58. A Clockwork Orange – Anthony Burgess 59. Pale Fire – Vladimir Nabokov 60. The Drowned World – J. G. Ballard 61. The Golden Notebook – Doris Lessing 62. Labyrinths – Jorg Luis Borges 63. Girl With Green Eyes – Edna O’Brien 64. The Garden of the Finzi-Continis – Giorgio Bassani 65. Stranger in a Strange Land – Robert Heinlein 66. Franny and Zooey – J. D. Salinger 67. A Severed Head – Iris Murdoch 68. Faces in the Water – Janet Frame 69. Solaris – Stanislaw Lem 70. Cat and Mouse – Gunter Grass 71. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie – Muriel Spark 72. Catch-22 – Joseph Heller 73. The Violent Bear it Away – Flannery O’Connor 74. How It Is – Samuel Beckett 75. Our Ancestors – Italo Calvino 76. The Country Girls – Edna O’Brien 77. Rabbit, Run – John Updike 78. Promise at Dawn – Romain Gary 79. Cider With Rosie – Laurie Lee. 80. Billy Liar – Keith Waterhouse 81. Naked Lunch – William Burroughs 82. The Tin Drum – Gunter Grass 83. Absolute Beginners – Colin MacInnes 84. Henderson the Rain King – Saul Bellow 85. Memento Mori – Muriel Spark 86. Billiards at Half-Past Nine – Heinrich Boll 87. Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Truman Capote 88. The Leopard – Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa 89. Pluck the Bud and Destroy the Offspring – Kenzaburo Oe 90. A Town Like Alice – Nevil Shute 91. The Bitter Glass – Eilis Dillon 92. Things Fall Apart – Chinua Achebe 93. Saturday Night and Sunday Morning – Alan Sillitoe 94. Mrs. ‘Arris Goes to Paris – Paul Gallico 95. Borstal Boy – Brendan Behan 96. The End of the Road – John Barth 97. The Once and Future King – T. H. White 98. The Bell – Iris Murdoch 99. Jealousy – Alain Robbe-Grillet 100. Voss – Patrick White 101. The Midwich Cuckoos – John Wyndham 102. Blue Noon – Georges Bataille 103. Homo Faber – Max Frisch 104. On the Road – Jack Kerouac 105. Pnin – Vladimir Nabokov 106. Doctor Zhivago – Boris Pasternak 107. The Wonderful â€Å"O†– James Thurber 108. Justine – Lawrence Durrell 109. Giovanni’s Room – James Baldwin 110. The Lonely Londoners – Sam Selvon 111. The Roots of Heaven – Romain Gary 112. Seize the Day – Saul Bellow 113. The Floating Opera – John Barth 114. The Lord of the Rings – J. R. R. Tolkien 115. The Talented Mr. Ripley – Patricia Highsmith 116. Lolita – Vladimir Nabokov 117. A World of Love – Elizabeth Bowen 118. The Trusting and the Maimed – James Plunkett 119. The Quiet American – Graham Greene 120. The Last Temptation of Christ – Nikos Kazantzakis 121. The Recognitions – William Gaddis 122. The Ragazzi – Pier Paulo Pasolini 123. Bonjour Tristesse – Francoise Sagan 124. I’m Not Stiller – Max Frisch 125. Self Condemned – Wyndham Lewis 126. The Story of O – Pauline Reage 127. A Ghost at Noon – Alberto Moravia 128. Lord of the Flies – William Golding 129. Under the Net – Iris Murdoch 130. The Go-Between – L. P. Hartley 131. The Long Goodbye – Raymond Chandler 132. The Unnamable – Samuel Beckett 133. Watt – Samuel Beckett 134. Lucky Jim – Kingsley Amis 135. Junkie – William Burroughs 136. The Adventures of Augie March – Saul Bellow 137. Go Tell It on the Mountain – James Baldwin 138. Casino Royale – Ian Fleming 139. The Judge and His Hangman – Friedrich Durrenmatt 140. Invisible Man – Ralph Ellison 141. The Old Man and the Sea – Ernest Hemingway 142. Wise Blood – Flannery O’Connor 143. The Killer Inside Me – Jim Thompson 144. Memoirs of Hadrian – Marguerite Yourcenar 145. Malone Dies – Samuel Beckett 146. Day of the Triffids – John Wyndham 147. Foundation – Isaac Asimov 148. The Opposing Shore – Julien Gracq 149. The Catcher in the Rye – J. D. Salinger 150. The Rebel – Albert Camus 151. Molloy – Samuel Beckett 152. The End of the Affair – Graham Greene 153. The Abbot C – Georges Bataille 154. The Labyrinth of Solitude – Octavio Paz 155. The Third Man – Graham Greene 156. The 13 Clocks – James Thurber 157. Gormenghast – Mervyn Peake 158. The Grass is Singing – Doris Lessing 159. I, Robot – Isaac Asimov 160. The Moon and the Bonfires – Cesare Pavese. 161. The Garden Where the Brass Band Played – Simon Vestdijk 162. Love in a Cold Climate – Nancy Mitford 163. The Case of Comrade Tulayev – Victor Serge 164. The Heat of the Day – Elizabeth Bowen 165. Kingdom of This World – Alejo Carpentier 166. The Man With the Golden Arm – Nelson Algren 167. Nineteen Eighty-Four – George Orwell 168. All About H. Hatterr – G. V. Desani 169. Disobedience – Alberto Moravia 170. Death Sentence – Maurice Blanchot 171. The Heart of the Matter – Graham Greene 172. Cry, the Beloved Country – Alan Paton 173. Doctor Faustus – Thomas Mann 174. The Victim – Saul Bellow 175. Exercises in Style – Raymond Queneau 176. If This Is a Man – Primo Levi 177. Under the Volcano – Malcolm Lowry 178. The Path to the Nest of Spiders – Italo Calvino 179. The Plague – Albert Camus 180. Back – Henry Green 181. Titus Groan – Mervyn Peake 182. The Bridge on the Drina – Ivo Andri? 183. Brideshead Revisited – Evelyn Waugh 184. Animal Farm – George Orwell 185. Cannery Row – John Steinbeck 186. The Pursuit of Love – Nancy Mitford 187. Loving – Henry Green 188. Arcanum 17 – Andre Breton 189. Christ Stopped at Eboli – Carlo Levi 190. The Razor’s Edge – William Somerset Maugham 191. Transit – Anna Seghers 192. Ficciones – Jorge Luis Borges 193. Dangling Man – Saul Bellow 194. Caught – Henry Green 195. The Glass Bead Game – Herman Hesse 196. Embers – Sandor Marai 197. Go Down, Moses – William Faulkner 198. The Outsider – Albert Camus 199. In Sicily – Elio Vittorini 200. The Poor Mouth – Flann O’Brien 201. The Living and the Dead – Patrick White 202. Hangover Square – Patrick Hamilton 203. Between the Acts – Virginia Woolf 204. The Hamlet – William Faulkner 205. Farewell My Lovely – Raymond Chandler 206. For Whom the Bell Tolls – Ernest Hemingway 207. Native Son – Richard Wright 208. The Power and the Glory – Graham Greene. 209. The Tartar Steppe – Dino Buzzati 210. Party Going – Henry Green 211. The Grapes of Wrath – John Steinbeck 212. Finnegans Wake – James Joyce 213. At Swim-Two-Birds – Flann O’Brien 214. Coming Up for Air – George Orwell 215. Goodbye to Berlin – Christopher Isherwood 216. Tropic of Capricorn – Henry Miller 217. Good Morning, Midnight – Jean Rhys 218. The Big Sleep – Raymond Chandler 219. After the Death of Don Juan – Sylvie Townsend Warner 220. Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day – Winifred Watson 221. Nausea – Jean-Paul Sartre 222. Cause for Alarm – Eric Ambler 223. Brighton Rock – Graham Greene 224. U. S. A. – John Dos Passos 225. Murphy – Samuel Beckett 226. Of Mice and Men – John Steinbeck 227. Their Eyes Were Watching God – Zora Neale Hurston 228. The Hobbit – J. R. R. Tolkien 229. The Years – Virginia Woolf 230. In Parenthesis – David Jones 231. The Revenge for Love – Wyndham Lewis 232. Out of Africa – Isak Dineson (Karen Blixen) 233. To Have and Have Not – Ernest Hemingway 234. Summer Will Show – Sylvia Townsend Warner 235. Eyeless in Gaza – Aldous Huxley 236. The Thinking Reed – Rebecca West 237. Keep the Aspidistra Flying – George Orwell 238. Wild Harbour – Ian MacPherson 239. Absalom, Absalom! – William Faulkner. 240. At the Mountains of Madness – H. P. Lovecraft 241. Nightwood – Djuna Barnes 242. Independent People – Halldor Laxness 243. Auto-da-Fe – Elias Canetti 244. The Last of Mr. Norris – Christopher Isherwood 245. They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? – Horace McCoy 246. The House in Paris – Elizabeth Bowen 247. England Made Me – Graham Greene 248. Burmese Days – George Orwell 249. The Nine Tailors – Dorothy L. Sayers 250. Threepenny Novel – Bertolt Brecht 251. Novel With Cocaine – M. Ageyev 252. The Postman Always Rings Twice – James M. Cain 253. Tropic of Cancer – Henry Miller 254. A Handful of Dust – Evelyn Waugh. 255. Tender is the Night – F. Scott Fitzgerald 256. Thank You, Jeeves – P. G. Wodehouse 257. Call it Sleep – Henry Roth 258. Miss Lonelyhearts – Nathanael West 259. Murder Must Advertise – Dorothy L. Sayers 260. The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas – Gertrude Stein 261. Testament of Youth – Vera Brittain 262. A Day Off – Storm Jameson 263. The Man Without Qualities – Robert Musil 264. A Scots Quair (Sunset Song) – Lewis Grassic Gibbon 265. Journey to the End of the Night – Louis-Ferdinand Celine 266. Brave New World – Aldous Huxley 267. Cold Comfort Farm – Stella Gibbons 268. To the North – Elizabeth Bowen 269. The Thin Man – Dashiell Hammett 270. The Radetzky March – Joseph Roth 271. The Waves – Virginia Woolf 272. The Glass Key – Dashiell Hammett 273. Cakes and Ale – W. Somerset Maugham 274. The Apes of God – Wyndham Lewis 275. Her Privates We – Frederic Manning 276. Vile Bodies – Evelyn Waugh 277. The Maltese Falcon – Dashiell Hammett 278. Hebdomeros – Giorgio de Chirico 279. Passing – Nella Larsen 280. A Farewell to Arms – Ernest Hemingway 281. Red Harvest – Dashiell Hammett 282. Living – Henry Green 283. The Time of Indifference – Alberto Moravia 284. All Quiet on the Western Front – Erich Maria Remarque 285. Berlin Alexanderplatz – Alfred Doblin 286. The Last September – Elizabeth Bowen 287. Harriet Hume – Rebecca West 288. The Sound and the Fury – William Faulkner 289. Les Enfants Terribles – Jean Cocteau 290. Look Homeward, Angel – Thomas Wolfe 291. Story of the Eye – Georges Bataille 292. Orlando – Virginia Woolf 293. Lady Chatterley’s Lover – D. H. Lawrence 294. The Well of Loneliness – Radclyffe Hall 295. The Childermass – Wyndham Lewis 296. Quartet – Jean Rhys 297. Decline and Fall – Evelyn Waugh 298. Quicksand – Nella Larsen 299. Parade’s End – Ford Madox Ford 300. Nadja – Andre Breton 301. Steppenwolf – Herman Hesse 302. Remembrance of Things Past – Marcel Proust 303. To The Lighthouse – Virginia Woolf 304. Tarka the Otter – Henry Williamson 305. Amerika – Franz Kafka 306. The Sun Also Rises – Ernest Hemingway 307. Blindness – Henry Green 308. The Castle – Franz Kafka 309. The Good Soldier Svejk – Jaroslav Hasek 310. The Plumed Serpent – D. H. Lawrence 311. One, None and a Hundred Thousand – Luigi Pirandello 312. The Making of Americans – Gertrude Stein 313. Manhattan Transfer – John Dos Passos 314. Mrs. Dalloway – Virginia Woolf 315. The Great Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald 316. The Counterfeiters – Andre Gide 317. The Trial – Franz Kafka. 318. The Artamonov Business – Maxim Gorky 319. The Professor’s House – Willa Cather 320. Billy Budd, Foretopman – Herman Melville 321. The Green Hat – Michael Arlen 322. The Magic Mountain – Thomas Mann 323. We – Yevgeny Zamyatin 324. A Passage to India – E. M. Forster 325. The Devil in the Flesh – Raymond Radiguet 326. Zeno’s Conscience – Italo Svevo 327. Cane – Jean Toomer 328. Antic Hay – Aldous Huxley 329. Amok – Stefan Zweig 330. The Garden Party – Katherine Mansfield 331. The Enormous Room – E. E. Cummings 332. Jacob’s Room – Virginia Woolf 333. Siddhartha – Herman Hesse 334. The Glimpses of the Moon – Edith Wharton. 335. Life and Death of Harriett Frean – May Sinclair 336. The Last Days of Humanity – Karl Kraus 337. Aaron’s Rod – D. H. Lawrence 338. Babbitt – Sinclair Lewis 339. Ulysses – James Joyce 340. The Fox – D. H. Lawrence 341. Crome Yellow – Aldous Huxley 342. The Age of Innocence – Edith Wharton 343. Main Street – Sinclair Lewis 344. Women in Love – D. H. Lawrence 345. Night and Day – Virginia Woolf 346. Tarr – Wyndham Lewis 347. The Return of the Soldier – Rebecca West 348. The Shadow Line – Joseph Conrad 349. Summer – Edith Wharton 350. Growth of the Soil – Knut Hamsen 351. Bunner Sisters – Edith Wharton. 352. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man – James Joyce 353. Under Fire – Henri Barbusse 354. Rashomon – Akutagawa Ryunosuke 355. The Good Soldier – Ford Madox Ford 356. The Voyage Out – Virginia Woolf 357. Of Human Bondage – William Somerset Maugham 358. The Rainbow – D. H. Lawrence 359. The Thirty-Nine Steps – John Buchan 360. Kokoro – Natsume Soseki 361. Locus Solus – Raymond Roussel 362. Rosshalde – Herman Hesse 363. Tarzan of the Apes – Edgar Rice Burroughs 364. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists – Robert Tressell 365. Sons and Lovers – D. H. Lawrence 366. Death in Venice – Thomas Mann 367. The Charwoman’s Daughter – James Stephens 368. Ethan Frome – Edith Wharton 369. Fantomas – Marcel Allain and Pierre Souvestre 370. Howards End – E. M. Forster 371. Impressions of Africa – Raymond Roussel 372. Three Lives – Gertrude Stein 373. Martin Eden – Jack London 374. Strait is the Gate – Andre Gide 375. Tono-Bungay – H. G. Wells 376. The Inferno – Henri Barbusse 377. A Room With a View – E. M. Forster 378. The Iron Heel – Jack London 379. The Old Wives’ Tale – Arnold Bennett 380. The House on the Borderland – William Hope Hodgson 381. Mother – Maxim Gorky 382. The Secret Agent – Joseph Conrad 383. The Jungle – Upton Sinclair. 384. Young Torless – Robert Musil 385. The Forsyte Sage – John Galsworthy 386. The House of Mirth – Edith Wharton 387. Professor Unrat – Heinrich Mann 388. Where Angels Fear to Tread – E. M. Forster 389. Nostromo – Joseph Conrad 390. Hadrian the Seventh – Frederick Rolfe 391. The Golden Bowl – Henry James 392. The Ambassadors – Henry James 393. The Riddle of the Sands – Erskine Childers 394. The Immoralist – Andre Gide 395. The Wings of the Dove – Henry James 396. Heart of Darkness – Joseph Conrad 397. The Hound of the Baskervilles – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 398. Buddenbrooks – Thomas Mann 399. Kim – Rudyard Kipling 400. Sister Carrie – Theodore Dreiser 401. Lord Jim – Joseph Conrad 402. Some Experiences of an Irish R. M. – Somerville and Ross 403. The Stechlin – Theodore Fontane 404. The Awakening – Kate Chopin 405. The Turn of the Screw – Henry James 406. The War of the Worlds – H. G. Wells 407. The Invisible Man – H. G. Wells 408. What Maisie Knew – Henry James 409. Fruits of the Earth – Andre Gide 410. Quo Vadis – Henryk Sienkiewicz 411. The Island of Dr. Moreau – H. G. Wells 412. The Time Machine – H. G. Wells 413. Effi Briest – Theodore Fontane 414. Jude the Obscure – Thomas Hardy 415. The Real Charlotte – Somerville and Ross. 416. The Yellow Wallpaper – Charlotte Perkins Gilman 417. Born in Exile – George Gissing 418. Diary of a Nobody – George Weedon Grossmith 419. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 420. News from Nowhere – William Morris 421. New Grub Street – George Gissing 422. Gosta Berling’s Saga – Selma Lagerlof 423. Tess of the D’Urbervilles – Thomas Hardy 424. The Picture of Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde 425. The Kreutzer Sonata – Leo Tolstoy 426. La Bete Humaine – Emile Zola 427. By the Open Sea – August Strindberg 428. Hunger – Knut Hamsun 429. The Master of Ballantrae – Robert Louis Stevenson 430. Pierre and Jean – Guy de Maupassant 431. Fortunata and Jacinta – Benito Perez Galdes 432. The People of Hemso – August Strindberg 433. The Woodlanders – Thomas Hardy 434. She – H. Rider Haggard 435. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde – Robert Louis Stevenson 436. The Mayor of Casterbridge – Thomas Hardy 437. Kidnapped – Robert Louis Stevenson 438. King Solomon’s Mines – H. Rider Haggard 439. Germinal – Emile Zola 440. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn – Mark Twain 441. Bel-Ami – Guy de Maupassant 442. Marius the Epicurean – Walter Pater 443. Against the Grain – Joris-Karl Huysmans 444. The Death of Ivan Ilyich – Leo Tolstoy. 445. A Woman’s Life – Guy de Maupassant 446. The House by the Medlar Tree – Giovanni Verga 447. The Portrait of a Lady – Henry James 448. Bouvard and Pecuchet – Gustave Flaubert 449. Ben-Hur – Lew Wallace 450. Nana – Emile Zola 451. The Brothers Karamazov – Fyodor Dostoevsky 452. The Red Room – August Strindberg 453. Return of the Native – Thomas Hardy 454. Anna Karenina – Leo Tolstoy 455. Drunkard – Emile Zola 456. Virgin Soil – Ivan Turgenev 457. Daniel Deronda – George Eliot 458. The Hand of Ethelberta – Thomas Hardy 459. The Temptation of Saint Anthony – Gustave Flaubert 460. Far from the Madding Crowd – Thomas Hardy. 461. The Enchanted Wanderer – Nicolai Leskov 462. Around the World in Eighty Days – Jules Verne 463. In a Glass Darkly – Sheridan Le Fanu 464. The Devils – Fyodor Dostoevsky 465. Erewhon – Samuel Butler 466. Spring Torrents – Ivan Turgenev 467. Middlemarch – George Eliot 468. Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There – Lewis Carroll 469. King Lear of the Steppes – Ivan Turgenev 470. He Knew He Was Right – Anthony Trollope 471. War and Peace – Leo Tolstoy 472. Sentimental Education – Gustave Flaubert 473. Phineas Finn – Anthony Trollope 474. Maldoror – Comte de Lautreaumont 475. The Idiot – Fyodor Dostoevsky. 476. The Moonstone – Wilkie Collins 477. Therese Raquin – Emile Zola 478. The Last Chronicle of Barset – Anthony Trollope 479. Journey to the Centre of the Earth – Jules Verne 480. Crime and Punishment – Fyodor Dostoevsky 481. Our Mutual Friend – Charles Dickens 482. Uncle Silas – Sheridan Le Fanu 483. Notes from the Underground – Fyodor Dostoevsky 484. The Water-Babies – Charles Kingsley 485. Fathers and Sons – Ivan Turgenev 486. Silas Marner – George Eliot 487. On the Eve – Ivan Turgenev 488. Castle Richmond – Anthony Trollope 489. The Mill on the Floss – George Eliot 490. The Marble Faun – Nathaniel Hawthorne 491. Max Havelaar – Multatuli 492. A Tale of Two Cities – Charles Dickens 493. Oblomovka – Ivan Goncharov 494. Adam Bede – George Eliot 495. Madame Bovary – Gustave Flaubert 496. North and South – Elizabeth Gaskell 497. Hard Times – Charles Dickens 498. Walden – Henry David Thoreau 499. Bleak House – Charles Dickens 500. Villette – Charlotte Bronte 501. Cranford – Elizabeth Gaskell 502. Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lonely – Harriet Beecher Stowe 503. The Blithedale Romance – Nathaniel Hawthorne 504. The House of the Seven Gables – Nathaniel Hawthorne 505. Shirley – Charlotte Bronte 506. Mary Barton – Elizabeth Gaskell 507. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall – Anne Bronte 508. Wuthering Heights – Emily Bronte 509. Agnes Grey – Anne Bronte 510. Vanity Fair – William Makepeace Thackeray 511. La Reine Margot – Alexandre Dumas 512. The Three Musketeers – Alexandre Dumas 513. The Purloined Letter – Edgar Allan Poe 514. Martin Chuzzlewit – Charles Dickens 515. The Pit and the Pendulum – Edgar Allan Poe 516. Lost Illusions – Honore de Balzac 517. Dead Souls – Nikolay Gogol 518. The Charterhouse of Parma – Stendhal 519. The Fall of the House of Usher – Edgar Allan Poe 520. The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby – Charles Dickens 521. The Nose – Nikolay Gogol. 522. Le Pere Goriot – Honore de Balzac 523. Eugenie Grandet – Honore de Balzac 524. The Red and the Black – Stendhal 525. The Betrothed – Alessandro Manzoni 526. Last of the Mohicans – James Fenimore Cooper 527. The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner – James Hogg 528. The Albigenses – Charles Robert Maturin 529. Melmoth the Wanderer – Charles Robert Maturin 530. The Monastery – Sir Walter Scott 531. Ivanhoe – Sir Walter Scott 532. Ormond – Maria Edgeworth 533. Rob Roy – Sir Walter Scott 534. The Absentee – Maria Edgeworth 535. Elective Affinities – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 536. Castle Rackrent – Maria Edgeworth.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Coffee Shop In Singapore Marketing Essay
Coffee Shop In Singapore Marketing Essay This business report aims to provide in detail the information of an investor as well as the basic strategic business plan that necessary for operating and establishing initially of One Shot coffee shop. This plan outlines the following contents such as market analysis, company overview, operating plan, products and services, sales and marketing strategy, risk assessment, projected financial report and business growth plan. President of One Shot coffee shop is Mr. Wang and the vice president of One Shot coffee shop is Mr. Kun, vice president has a 45% share of the company, and president has a 55% share of the company. President of the company also is a CEO of the coffee shop, the CEO Manager the employees, and the vice president in charge with the goods supply. A vision can be defined as an eye chart, sometimes also referred to as the Company in the picture, but it is so much more than this. Your vision statement is your inspiration, your strategic planning framework. An eye chart, can be applied to a single sector of the entire company or the company. Whether all or part of an organization, the eye chart to answer the question, Where we want to go? Become the leading branded coffee shops in the region to business casual, taking into account the mood of consumer. About three years to recover the total investment cost, and gradually began to profit. 2.2 Mission Mission statement is a statement of the purpose of company or organization its reason for existing. The mission statement should guide the actions of the organization. spell out its overall goal, provide a path, and guide decision-making. It provides the framework or context within which the companys strategies are formulated. Hill, Ch, Jones, G. (2008) To become a leader in this industry and provide a stable and reasonable income for the owners of the place for investment. (2) The successful completion of the construction and development of the stores, and gradually withdraw the investment capital. 3.Product and service Product and service are when a firm offer a mix of both products and services, in compare to the traditional focus on products. As define by a marketable set of products and services capable of jointly fulfilling a users need. largely motivated by the need on the part of traditionally oriented manufacturing firms to cope with changing market forces and the recognition that services in combination with products could provide higher profits than product alone.Face with shrink markets and increased commercialization of their products, those firms saw service provision as a new path toward profits and growth. 3.1The main product and service Cappuccino With less milk than a latte, cappuccino offers a stronger espresso flavor and a luxurious texture. To make it properly require more skill and attentiveness. Arguably the most important things is frothing the foam to velvety perfection as the milk steams something One Shot coffee shop barrister take great care to achieve . The milk mous tache that clings to your upper lip is proof weve made yours right. And we may say, you wear it well. Espresso Smooth and versatile Espresso Roast is the very heart and soul of One Shot. Its rich flavor, lingering aroma and caramel sweetness make it the perfect found for lattes, cappuccinos and all One Shot coffee shop espresso based beverages. But you can also enjoy it all by itself indeed, that might be the best way to discover its nuances. White Chocolate Mocha White chocolate fans will tell you they like it elegant, creamy taste. Its smooth subtle, is a perfect complement to a bolder taste. There is no bolder than we are rich, full-bodied espresso tastes. And it turns out, there is no better way to experience the decadent white chocolate, rather than in this delicious beverage. Caramel Macchia-to Scores of people are passionate devotees of the signature beverage. So bewitch are they, youd think it was any kinds of magical elixir. Well theres no hocus pock here. Well tell you exactly what goes into it: creamy vanilla flavored syrup, freshly steamed milk with a topping of velvety rich foam, one intense hit of One Shot Espresso roast, a finish of buttery caramel drizzle. okay, we take it back. It sounds like is magic to us. but it taste even better. Vanilla Latte There are many delicious ways to join espresso, but one of that couldnt be more classic is that Vanilla latte. Just need a few ingredient make up that favorite: One Shot Signature espresso. Creamy steamed milk and our classic vanillas syrup. Simple, .Satisfying always. 4.Industry summary and analysis 4.1PESTEL This sector examines in detail the external environment as well as the macroeconomic forces include the current issues such as the global financial crisis, inflation, etc. facing the coffee industry operates. In this case, an analysis and estimation of the main external environment factors to the One Shot coffee shop by using the PESTEL Analysis. Any analysis of the successes and failures facing a SME must understand the macro environment within which a SME operates (Barney and Hesterly, 2008). The PESTEL framework is designed to provide managers with an analytic-al tool to identify different macro-environment factors that may business strategies, and to assess what difference environmental factor may influence the business performance now or in future. The PESTEL framework include six types of important environment influences: political, economic social, technological, environmental and legal factors. These factors would not be seen as independent factor. Factor such as a technological advances may probably affect the social and economic conditions in different markets. 4.1.1Political factors The political factor is to what extent the government intervention in the economy. Specifically, political factors, such as tax policy, labor law, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs, and political stability. Political factors may also include goods and services, the government should provide or provided (merit goods), the government does not want (demerit goods or advantages of bads). In addition, governments have great influence in health, education, and a national infrastructure It is known that Singapore is a very stable country with low social risk, at the same time; the government of Singapore is encourage more and more tourists to Singapore, ;like the government building the casino in Singapore, the government also want more tourists come to Singapore. The government agencies in Singapore play a very active role in promoting Singapore as a global destination. Under the guidance of STB (Singapore tourism board) it takes majors to promote itself as a MICE destination. For such a good political factors let the business in Singapore get more benefit. Hence, the One Shot coffee shop may run its business stability and benefit its investment profitability under Singapores strong government policies. 4.1.2Legal factors Legal factors include discrimination law, consumer protection law, antitrust law, labor law, health and safety laws.These factors may affect the Companys operations, its cost, and the demand for its products. As Singapores law is very strict and the government will protect Intellectual property rights and doesnt allow other companies to infringe the copyright and intellectual property so it is very good for company to compete with each other fairly. For the One Shot coffee shop in Singapore its intellectual property rights had been protect under the Singapores legal. 4.1.3Economic factors Economic factors such as economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates and inflation rate. These factors have significant impact on the enterprise how it works, and make a decision. For example, interest rates affect the companys cost of capital, and therefore, the extent to which the business growth and expansion. Exchange rates affect the cost of export goods and the supply and price of imported goods in the economic Based on trade, economics (2011), Singapores per capita GDP (gross domestic product) is higher than most developed countries. In fact, with the economic development of Singapores economy diversified, open trade policies, international communication links, and attract multinational investment. Singapore is a vibrant economy, and its economy is heavily dependent on exports. From 2007 to 2010, 7.62% of the to enjoy average GDP growth. It enjoys a higher per capita income than most developed countries. February 14, 2007, the Singapore government announced that the annual economic growth of 7.9% in 2006, 7.7% higher than originally anticipated. Singapores unemployment rate was 2.2%, around February 20, 2009. As of August 7, 2010, Singapore is one of the worlds fastest growing economies, the growth rate was 17.9% in the first half of 2010. Singapore is a highly abundant natural resources. Have advanced the state of the infrastructure, including country hotels, roads, transport facilities, telecommunicate facilities, aviation services. One Shot coffee shop might be an opportunity in such a good condition. 4.1.4Social factors Social factors include the cultural aspects of health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on the safety. Trend of social factors on the impact of the companys products and needs, the companys operations. For example, the aging of the population may mean a smaller, more willing workforce (thus increasing the cost of labor). In addition, the company may change to a different management strategy, in order to adapt to these social trends (such as to hire older workers). Social environment in SMEs is concerned about innovation, risk taking, and large-scale transformation to social problem solving (Kuratko, 2008). Singapore has a very vibrant cosmopolitan culture. It has a very strong education system. Everyone is comfortable with English. Along with business tourism opportunities it has great facilities for leisure activities such as state of the art shopping malls, casinos, resorts, restaurants etc. Thus it can be concluded that the social factors are very supportive for the coffee industry in Singapore. Singapore is considered as a very safe city. 4.1.5Technological factors Technical factors, including the technical aspects, such as R D activity, automation, technology incentives, technological change speed. They were able to determine the access threshold, the minimum efficient production level and influence outsourcing decisions. In addition, changes in technology will affect the cost, quality and lead to innovation. There is no doubt that the modern technology not only improves all the coffee equipments quality and productivity. but also accelerate the commercialization process of the coffee business. SMEs primarily face challenge of technologies in transportation, utility, health care, electrical, and computer industries. Technological forces can create new markets, reduce and eliminate cost barriers between businesses (David, 2009). Using a professional Espresso coffee machine made by Italian, never on the details of some coffee neglect. 4.1.6Environmental factors The environment factors such as the weather and climate change. The One Shot coffee shop will set hotel royal queens at 12 queen street Singapore. the weather and climate change doesnt affect One Shot coffee shop. 4.2SWOT Humphrey, Albert (December 2005). SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Limitations, Opportunities, and Threats are involved in one project or in a commercial venture. It involved specifying the objectives of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective. By using SWOT analysis can assist One Shot coffee shop to identify the internal weakness and external threats factors, then improve the performance and search the benefits from opportunities and counter the threats as well. 4.2.1STRENGTHS The freshest coffee. Now cook baked transported on a weekly basis, to ensure that the beans are in the peak of tasting The most rigorous training. Three months to six months rigorous training of professional coffee Daren implement the recipe from the coffee to the professional knowledge of coffee plus Leadership and Service concept, inject One Shot passion for each cup of coffee. The most professional and coffee.  A professional Espresso coffee machine of Italian, never on the details of any coffee neglect. The most comfortable environment.  Most spacious seating space, with the tone of European art-style decor, and free wireless Internet service offers consumers the most comfortable and convenient dining environment The special location. In this hotel just have one coffee shop inside. 4.2.2WEAKNESSES Affected by the location, almost customers are the person who is live in this hotel. One Shot coffee shop is a new company, almost customer are like the Starbucks. 4.2.3OPPORTUNITIES An unfulfilled customer need. There is an opportunity to increase the customer base by advertising as well as developing the new products and services. The merger or other types of expansion strategy can be considered as the opportunities factors when this coffee shop business plan get to the stage of maturity. The coffee shop set in hotel industry is a new developing market. 4.2.4THREATS Price wars with competitors. Some of competitors strive to earn a higher market share by selling its products and services at a lower price. New entrants and cost: the threat of new entrants in the market is a critic elements. This is a growth factor in the development, but also the threat of new entrants,intense competition and rapid deployment in the target market. 4.3 Porters five forces The porters five forces model of competitive analysis is a widely used approach for developing strategies in many industries. Indeed, the five forces model can determine the kinds of competitive forces are the firm staffs facing and measure the force on how strong are there in different parts the company facing. The figure shows the porters five forces model of competition below. Porters five forces model of competition Threat of new entrants Bargaining power of buyers Bargaining power of suppliers Rivalry a mongst existing firms in the industry Threat of substitute products or services Porter Five force High Medium Low Competitive Rivalry à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Threats of New Entry à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Bargaining Power of Customers à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Bargaining Power of Suppliers à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Threats of substitution à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ (Source: diagram created for this assignment) 4.3.1Threat of new entrants (high) The threat of new entrants is the threat of new competitors in the industry, existing competitors. A profitable industry realized profits will attract more competitors. If these new entrants is very easy to enter the market low barriers to entry the company has been a threat to competition in this market. More competitive while consumer demand increases or increase capacity which means less profit to go around. According to the power of one of Porters five forces model, the threat of new entrants, shape the competitive structure of an industry. Porters definition of the threat of new entrants, and completely changed the way people look at an industry competitive. Coffee shop is a low expensive shop , and One Shot coffee shop is a new brand in Singapore,the required investment is low. The major cost includes the real estate and coffee related equipments. Franchise is also an option that investment risks are low,Barriers to entry are low, thus the threat of new entrants are high due to low switch cost, and low capital requirements, and low restrictions. So the threat of new entrants is high. 4.3.2Threat of substitute products or services (high) The threat of substitute products or services: product substitutes and other products to perform the same or similar functions. Professor of microeconomics, more alternatives, the demand for the product becomes more elastic. The elasticity of demand is the consumer price sensitivity, which is equivalent to less certainty of profits. An attractive alternative to price the price of alternatives as the upper limit of the price of the underlying product. An attractive alternative behavior, depressed prices to reach its profit potential of the industry. Improved quality, alternatives alternatives quality is high, there are more and more pressure, the increase in the quality of the main product. Low switching costs passed on to consumers switching costs for consumers can come in the form of currency conversion costs cost or lifestyle. The monetary cost to the price of alternative products, and the cost of living is subjective, it is difficult to determine. In either case, more easily and lower cost is to switch to the alternative, the Alternate higher threat. Other substitutes tea, juice, soft drinks, alcohol and other coffee and non-coffee related drinks. given the sensitivity of consumers to price of coffee and a number of substitute available, the significance of the threat from substitutes is high. 4.3.3Bargaining power of suppliers (medium) Powerful bargaining power of suppliers, the seller and the buyer, the seller greater influence. This effect can be used to reduce the profit the buyer more favorable pricing, the limit product or service quality, or part of the cost is passed on to the buyer, the supplier is powerful. coffee is supplied by a variety of farms from South America or Africa. Third of all the coffee farms are less than one third. Industry main hedge position by diversifying those supplier portfolio. The power of suppliers is medium since there is a wide array of farmlands that supply specialty coffee beans, however, the farmers do supply a differentiated product. 4.3.4Bargaining power of buyers (Low) Porters five forces buyer bargaining power is consumer pressure, can play on the enterprise, allowing them to provide higher quality products and better customer service, lower prices. In the analysis of the bargaining power of buyers, industry analysis, from the sellers point of view. According to Porters five forces industry analysis framework, the buyer power of the forces shaping one of the competitive structure of an industry. The number of buyers in the industry is large, and their purchases are low volume. Industrys products, service and experience are differentiated.A cup of coffee does not represent a significant fraction a buyers cost of living. The buyers power is low because of that they lacked negotiation power and the ability to force down prices and pit competitors against each other. 4.3.5Rivalry among-st existing firms in the industry (Medium) Competitiveness increasingly competitive, when one or more competitors see an opportunity to grow, and competitors customers, or feel the need to attract more customers because of low profitability. Competition in the industrial competitiveness is an important issue, usually there will be many competitors are trying to carry out a sufficient rate of return on investment, profitability is generally low. Several competitors those who have already established a competitive advantage the profits of treason, but the more competitive competition means that the balance of payments, and generate enough cash to survive the struggle. Retaliation competitive competition intensified, the reaction of competitors, an aggressive strategy, with its own offensive or defensive strategy. This kind of competition is often the reasons for lower prices, competitors use a marginal contribution to the cost of administrative expenses. However, the competitiveness of the competition by fighting in advertising, product introduction and customer service. One Shot coffee shop is a coffee shop in the hotel ,The intensity of rivalry is medium because of the numerous competitor within the industry, despite it being a growing at 15% annually. On the other hand, there is no evidence of price or advertising wars within the industry. 5.Market strategy One Shot Cultures marketing strategy will be focused at getting new customer, retaining the exist customers, got customers to spend more or come back more often. Building a loyal customer base is a paramount importance since such customer core will not only generate most of the sales but also will provide favorable referrals. 5.1Competitive Edge One Shot culture, positioning itself as a unique coffee bar, its customers can not only enjoy the perfect coffee a cup, but also spent time in the surrounding environment. Comfortable sofas and chairs, dim lighting and quiet relaxing music will help customers relax from everyday stress, to distinguish single from incumbent competitors culture. 5.2Sales strategy The shooting cultural balistas the processing sales transactions. In order to speed up customer service, and at least two employees to provide services to customers of an employee, customer orders will be ready, the other employees will be taken care of sales transactions. All data will be recorded on the sales of computer point-of-sale terminal in the subsequent analysis for marketing purposes. In order to build its customer base, we will use the banner of a single culture and flyers, customer referrals with other businesses, communities and cross-promotional. At the same time, the customer retention program will be used to ensure that customers come back and spend more coffee. 5.3Marketing mix The Marketing mix is a common words that used to describe a various choices which the company must process the procedure of bringing a specific services or products to the market. Besides, it is also known as the four Ps which include the Price, Place, Product and Promotion. (Kamil et al 2009) 5.3.1Product strategy The product actually means that the service or product introduced by the company which offer to the customer of the target market. In this business plan, the product of One Shot coffee shop company is the services such as the pool lessons, the rental of One Shot coffee shop, and the snacks and beverage counter services. constantly developing new breakfast cereals the product element is the new product themself, setting the price right involved examining customer perception and rival products as well as costs of manufacture, promotion involved engaging in a range of promotional activities e.g. competitions, product tasting etc, 5.3.2Place strategy Marketing experts know that the best product in the world will never make an impact in the business world if no one can locate and obtain it. Keeping this simple, yet vital brick in the house of marketing, One Shot coffee shop gives careful consideration to the placement of its restaurant. Within that marketing research, It takes into consideration the population of a given part, major roadway in the vicinities of the proposed coffee shop site, traffic that passes by the coffee shop site, and the demographics of that area, as they know a great deal about One Shot customers. The place of One Shot coffee shop is in hotel royal queens at 12 queen street Singapore, in the hotel ,there is only had one coffee shop the place of One Shot coffee shop is a very good place, its in the central of Singapore. 5.3.3Pricing strategy Built in the right area, the people will come, but a good price does play a role, so that they come back. The single main content of the marketing strategy is one of the efficient pricing of their products. Understanding of the target market, including a large part of the family, they always need an affordable way to go out to dinner with their children, over the years a menu price, almost anyone can eat a lens, and enjoy quality meals without flowers a lot of money. What is really down the value of people enjoy single food, which is a big part of repeat customers, the best in the world price of products sold, if consumers do not think, what they buy. In fact, a single pointed out in their value menu in recent years, it provides a selection of menu items at a low price, this thoroughly. Other marketing concepts are integrated into the strategic value menu. Menu as the value of this project , to sell profitable products, this is a small loss leaders, if any profits are usually single cafe, coffee and soft drinks of your choice to accompany earnings, so that you have a a good price, but single cafe achieve the profitability. 5.3.4Promotion strategy One Shot coffee shop are still some basic promo gimmicks that most cafes should have like coffee mugs with your logo print on it. Travel mug is one of the most besought after item coffee junkies want. One Shot can sell these at shop or give it away on special occasion like your store open or yearly anniversary. One Shot coffee shop should also or have other standard promotional items such as shirts, key chains, tumblers, and note pads. If you want your promotion items to been seen more, offer things what people will really used outside the home like T- shirts, caps and visors, laptop bags, and backpack. For the high end market, One Shot coffee shop can sell CDs with a collection of music One shot coffee shop usually play at One Shot coffee shop Another method to market One Shot coffee shop business is by increasing One Shot coffee shop visibility online. Set-up a website where One Shot coffee shop can post materials related to the coffee business. One Shot coffee shop can also post announcements on One Shot coffee shop website for special offers and contests. Post One Shot coffee shop details on One Shot coffee shop site such as name, logo, location and telephone number. Add one page for suggestion, a forum and contact pages. Promote a special item on your menu on a week basis. One Shot product can be one coffee beverage, pastry or dessert. Announce the promotion on One Shot coffee shop site. Make One Shot coffee shop promo exciting and fun to encourage customers to come. One Shot coffee shop could have a contest like a coffee art contest wherein customers can create their own coffee art win prizes. Post the contest details and prizes on One Shot coffee shop website too. Prizes can be inexpensive like a free mug of coffee, coupon or free T-shirt with One Shot logo. Offering coffee charge cards is a very good idea. It is convenient for some staff and client. Instead of searching for coin and bill in their wallet or bag, customers can simply use a prepaid charge card to buy One Shot coffee. It is pretty convenient for customers who bought coffee daily. In other advantage is that One Shot get to sold more coffee in advance. 6.Management team and company structure This section of the business plan is essential information for investors and financial institution-it gives information about how your company is organized and who is in charge. This section is useful for relaying who accomplishes what tasks for the business, the business knowledge of the management team and the qualifications of the board . In this coffee shop Mr.Wang is the CEO, and Mr.Kun is the Chief Operating Officer,and one Chief Financial one Officer Chief Marketing Officer one Chief Technology Officer CEO may be able to set strategic, predict the future and control the budget, CEOs think about where the organization are going, the people and process need to get there, and how they will work in the current market. A COO handles a companys complex operational details. The companys COO insures the business can deliver day by day. COO figure out just what need to be measured so COO can tell if that things are going well. Then COOs team create the systems to track the measurement and take action when the company is not delivering. CFO will been busy figuring out that customers, business line and product is profitable, so the next year you can afford the really cool equipment. CMO owns the marketing strategyand that often includes the sales strategyand oversees its implement. The CMO will know or learn One Shot industry inside out and helps One Shot position One Shot product, differentiate it from your competitors products, enlist distributor, and make sure that customers are learn to crave One Shot product. CTO is a very important person in One Shot coffee shop, CTO need produce the coffee which one can make it more good. And at last we need 10 waiters, One Shot coffee shop must ensure that when a customer needs help always had one waiter in the side. 7. Operating planning It is describe one short term way of achieve milestones and explain how, or that portion . A strategic plan will set into operation when a given operational period, in the case in a commercial application, the fiscal year or another given budget term. One operational plan are the basis for, and testificatory for an annual operate budget request. Therefore, five year strategic plan need five operation plan fund by five operate budget. Operational plans should build the activity and budgets for every part of the organization for the next 1 to 3 years. One Shot link the strategic plan with the activity the organizations will deliver and the resources require to deliver their. An action plan drawn directly describe institutions and plan tasks and goals, plan objectives and plan activities of agencies and programs of strategic plan. 7.1 Clear objectives In fact, the objectives same as the Goals addressed at the beginning of this business plan, the details of the clear objectives summarized . The clear objectives of the One Shot coffee shop company Objectives Description Rent a venue approximate 5,000 square feet as the location of One Shot coffee shops business operation. Offer a custom-made coffee lessons. Provide in details the One Shot coffee shop companys first year projected profit and loss statement. Establish the working relationships with the hotel during the period of first operating year. Build a positive image and perception as well as enhance the One Shot coffee shops awareness to the public. (Source: diagram created for this assignment) 8.Risk Assessment Management Risk assessment is a step in a risk management the procedure. The risk assessment is to determine the quantitative or qualitative value of risk related to the specific circumstances and recognized the threat. Quantitative risk assessment need to calculate the risk of the two components (R): the amplitude of the potential losses (L), and the probability (p), loss will occur. Risk assessment assumptions and uncertainties explicitly consider and present an objective risk assessment. The difficult part of the risk management is one of the number of measurements,
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